Oppose Vote to Make COVID Vax Routine for Kids

Oppose Vote to Make COVID Vax Routine for Kids

Yesterday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted 15-0 to add COVID-19 vaccines to the federal Vaccines for Children Program. Today, they may vote to recommend COVID-19 shots be added to the routine childhood vaccination schedule. Action Alert! If COVID vaccines are added to the childhood immunization […]

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Are Unvaccinated Children Healthier?

Are Unvaccinated Children Healthier?

A re-examination of an unfairly retracted study casts doubt on the official narrative that vaccines are safe and effective for all children. We’ve all heard the mantras recited faithfully by government health bureaucrats, the agencies they work for, and the medical associations tied into the conventional medical system: vaccines are safe and effective, and there […]

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Natural Health Candidates Preferred by 70%

Natural Health Candidates Preferred by 70%

A new national survey found that 70% of Americans are more likely to support Congressional candidates who will protect access to supplements and homeopathic and other natural remedies. Action Alert The vast majority of Americans use natural remedies and are more likely to support a Congressional candidate who will protect the public’s access to dietary supplements […]

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The Supplement Threat You Didn’t Hear About

The Supplement Threat You Didn’t Hear About

At the 11th hour, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) tried to slip his anti-supplement regulation into yet another must-pass bill. He failed, but he will try to do so again this year. Action Alert! Last week, Sen. Durbin tried to attach mandatory product listing for supplements to another must-pass bill, having failed to slip it into […]

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FDA Attacks Natural Thyroid

FDA Attacks Natural Thyroid

For years the FDA has wanted natural thyroid replacement off the market. Now the agency is moving to eliminate individualized versions of this medicine. Action Alert! The FDA has declared natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) to be a “biologic” and thus ineligible for pharmacy compounding. This is the latest in a decades-long effort by the agency […]

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National School Lunch Testing for Glyphosate, Pesticides, Heavy Metals, Hormones, and Nutrients Revealed

National School Lunch Testing for Glyphosate, Pesticides, Heavy Metals, Hormones, and Nutrients Revealed

From Moms Across America For millions of underserved children, school meals are the only meals they consume. School lunches contain many GM crop ingredients such as corn, soy, and sugar from sugar beets and are processed with GM oils such as canola and soybean oil. Most genetically modified crops are engineered to withstand toxic chemicals […]

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Update: Major Supplement Victory

Update: Major Supplement Victory

…but we’re not out of the woods yet. Let’s keep up the pressure to protect access to the supplements you need to stay healthy. Action Alert! Last week, Congressional leaders reached an agreement for the reauthorization of FDA user fees—and the package does not include mandatory product listing for supplements, a regulation we’ve been writing […]

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Bill Gates: The Planet’s Unofficial Minister of Health

Bill Gates: The Planet’s Unofficial Minister of Health

…in shaping the world’s response to this and future pandemics. An in-depth Politico report shows how powerful non-governmental organizations wielded incredible influence in shaping the global response to the COVID pandemic—with almost no oversight. The report notes that four global non-governmental organizations, all with ties to Bill Gates—the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome […]

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Cancer Moonshot – Good Idea or Pharma Giveaway?

Cancer Moonshot – Good Idea or Pharma Giveaway?

Why pinning our hopes on developing costly new drug treatments for cancer and other diseases is not effective or sustainable. Last week, on the 60th anniversary of President Kennedy’s proposal to send someone to the moon, President Biden touted his Cancer Moonshot initiative. The initiative was officially re-launched in February of this year, when President […]

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