Does CBD Hold Key to Antibiotic Resistance?

Does CBD Hold Key to Antibiotic Resistance?

More evidence of CBD’s benefits—but will the FDA make it available to us at reasonable prices? Action Alert! Researchers have reported that CBD, one of the compounds found in hemp, has shown promise against antibiotic resistant infections such as methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). This is in addition to the other benefits of CBD for pain, […]

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Dr. Google’s Prescription: Censorship

Dr. Google’s Prescription: Censorship

This search engine monopolist is preventing you from learning about natural health, and instead promoting prescription drugs. Action Alert! Last year, we told you about the aggressive censorship campaign that Google and other Internet gatekeepers have embarked upon. This censorship is preventing Americans from learning about the benefits of natural health from some of the […]

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Drinking Water Contaminated With Deadly “Forever” Chemicals?

Drinking Water Contaminated With Deadly “Forever” Chemicals?

A new analysis shows US water systems are widely contaminated with “forever chemicals,” but the EPA isn’t doing anything about it. Action Alert! A recent analysis from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that America’s drinking water is extensively contaminated with toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS. Despite the extent of the contamination and the […]

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Medicare: Saving Cents Makes No Sense

Medicare: Saving Cents Makes No Sense

Maintaining appropriate vitamin D levels is crucial to our health, particularly in warding off viral infections —so why won’t the government health agencies charged with serving the most vulnerable citizens cover vitamin D tests? Action Alert! Medicare and Medicaid cover 118 million people in the US (44 million and 74 million, respectively). This group includes […]

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The Clock Is Ticking for Homeopathy

The Clock Is Ticking for Homeopathy

This could be our last chance to defend access to homeopathic treatments. Action Alert! The FDA has extended the comment period on its completely unacceptable guidance that shifts how the agency will regulate homeopathic medicines. While the agency says that it will exercise enforcement discretion and focus on certain categories of homeopathic drugs, the wording […]

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B12 Shots Banned?

B12 Shots Banned?

California is threatening to ban methylcobalamin shots, which sets a dangerous precedent. We must act now. Action Alerts! The California State Board of Pharmacy has proposed regulatory language that would block patient access to methylcobalamin (B12) injections, IV glutathione, intranasal glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, as well as numerous other medications. This serious threat to crucial […]

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Will FDA Target Hemp Oil?

Will FDA Target Hemp Oil?

An update on the fight to protect CBD and hemp. Action Alert! ANH-USA has been keeping a close watch as the FDA determines how it will treat hemp products. We’ve noted that the FDA has targeted CBD oil, a natural compound found in hemp that is now approved as a drug. But many other products […]

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What’s at Stake in FDA’s Hormone Attack

What’s at Stake in FDA’s Hormone Attack

One patient’s story. Action Alert! We’ve been telling you for a while now about the FDA’s attack on individualized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, particularly the threat to estriol. To recap where we are: estriol and other bioidentical hormones have been nominated to the FDA’s Demonstrably Difficult to Compound List; items that appear on the list […]

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FDA Leaves Cancer Patients in the Lurch

FDA Leaves Cancer Patients in the Lurch

What happens when you cross a proven natural treatment with a crony medical system? A monopoly. Action Alert! New information has come to light that poses a threat for continued consumer access to intravenous vitamin C (IVC), a potent, safe, and natural treatment for viral and bacterial infections and some cancers. It is a blatant […]

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Transforming Healthcare: The Community Cure

Transforming Healthcare: The Community Cure

A new book offers a way forward in our fight against the epidemic of chronic disease. In his new book, The Community Cure, author James Maskell documents a new approach to medicine centered on community: that is, coming together as groups of patients suffering from the same afflictions to heal more effectively (and cost effectively). […]

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