Fracking Ourselves to Death

Fracking Ourselves to Death

What a decade of research says about the health consequences of fracking. A new study looking at ten years of fracking research, including several hundred studies, has found that the drilling practice is linked to preterm births, high-risk pregnancies, asthma, migraines, fatigue, nasal and sinus problems, and skin disorders. Fracking is a process of extracting […]

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Court to EPA: Stop Stalling

Court to EPA: Stop Stalling

…on a decision to ban a brain-damaging pesticide. A federal court has ordered the EPA to decide by mid-July whether to ban chlorpyrifos, a pesticide that has been linked to neurodevelopmental effects in children. Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate, which were chemicals developed by the Nazis for warfare before being used in agriculture. They’ve been banned […]

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Fracking Fluid Used to Irrigate Organic Crops

Fracking Fluid Used to Irrigate Organic Crops

A loophole in organic regulations means we’re eating more dangerous chemicals. Action Alert! Oil and gas wastewater is contaminating our crops—even some organic crops. Worse, we don’t even know all of the chemicals that we are eating, since the cocktails companies use in their operations are “proprietary.” We must pressure the USDA to clean up […]

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Diapers and Menstrual Pads Laced with Toxic Chemicals

Diapers and Menstrual Pads Laced with Toxic Chemicals

Presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals in most brands is a major hazard. Action Alert! A new report highlighted by Environmental Health News demonstrates that most diapers and menstrual pads contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and phthalates, endangering millions of babies and seniors who may be absorbing these chemicals through the genitalia. Congress and the FDA […]

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We Can No Longer Rely on Organic Standard

We Can No Longer Rely on Organic Standard

The USDA’s organics program has been taken over by corporate interests; it’s time to fight back. Action Alert! Consumers looking for clean, healthy food have for years turned to foods with the USDA’s organic seal. This seal is understood to mean that the food has been grown in accordance with organic principles—most importantly, that the farming […]

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EPA Actively Deceiving Public on Glyphosate

EPA Actively Deceiving Public on Glyphosate

New analysis shows the agency willfully ignored evidence of glyphosate’s danger. Action Alert! A former executive director of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) board on agriculture has published an analysis comparing the World Health Organization’s (WHO) and the EPA’s evaluation of glyphosate. The WHO famously concluded that glyphosate was a probable carcinogen, while the […]

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USDA Makes GMOs Disappear

USDA Makes GMOs Disappear

It’s official: the “mandatory” GMO labeling rule will obscure more than it makes transparent. Action Alert! The USDA has released its final GMO labeling rule, and it’s not good. As we feared when the agency released its proposal earlier this year, the so-called GMO labeling law will apply only to a narrow set of foods. […]

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Banned for Use in War, But OK for Our Crops

Banned for Use in War, But OK for Our Crops

Apparently the Geneva Convention doesn’t protect against use in domestic agriculture. Action Alert! Researchers who recently examined studies sponsored by Dow Chemical and used by the EPA to approve chlorpyrifos, a type of insecticide, found inaccuracies in what the company reported to the agency. Worse, there is also evidence that EPA scientists pointed out these […]

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