Protect Natural Health Care—Join the Alliance for Natural Health!

Protect Natural Health Care—Join the Alliance for Natural Health!

ANH members rescued bio-identical hormones in 2008 In the 1980s (before ANH) los federales “morphed” a very effective natural insomnia supplement(GHB) that cost (at most) $360 per year into a “drug” now costing $143,604 per year (not kidding!) Join ANH now, stop los federales from “morphing” a safe natural pain reliever (CBD) into yet another […]

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The History of the D-mannose Cure for Urinary Tract Infections

The History of the D-mannose Cure for Urinary Tract Infections

While it’s well-known that comprehensive bio-identical hormone replacement therapy was first used in clinical practice at Tahoma Clinic, it’s not as well known that the safe, natural cure for approximately 90% of all bladder infections also was used for the very first time in clinical practice at Tahoma Clinic in the 1980s. At that time […]

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MRIs: FDA Asleep at the Wheel

MRIs: FDA Asleep at the Wheel

The European Union has restricted the use of MRI contrasting agents. Why hasn’t the FDA? Action Alert! European health authorities have suspended the use of gadolinium contrasting agents in MRI scans due to concern that these acids can accumulate in the brain. A European review committee found convincing evidence of gadolinium accumulating in brain tissue […]

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The Emerging Sperm Count Crisis

The Emerging Sperm Count Crisis

If sperm counts continue declining at the current rate, humans could become extinct. Analyzing nearly 200 studies, researchers have found that the sperm counts in men across North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand have halved in less than forty years. The study found that the decline in men’s sperm counts may also be accelerating. […]

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EPA Generates its Own Pollution

EPA Generates its Own Pollution

Courts reprimand agency for giving big companies a pass on animal waste. Following a recent court case, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) – more commonly known as factory farms or animal feeding lots – will have to report their air pollution emissions. Earlier this year, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals declared illegal a 2008 […]

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More Autism Than Previously Thought?

More Autism Than Previously Thought?

Are we vastly undercounting the girls? A government study carried out in 2015 claims the rate of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may be as high as 1 in 45 children between the ages of 3 and 17. Rates of autism and other developmental disabilities have ballooned as much as 78% in recent years, with no […]

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Science, the Monsanto Way

Science, the Monsanto Way

That way appears to be deception, obfuscation, and cronyism. We’ve been telling you about a court case against Monsanto in which the plaintiffs allege that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the Roundup herbicide, causes non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Documents in the case, including email messages, are now being made public, demonstrating how far Monsanto will go make […]

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Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs—Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, as Summarized on Green Medicine Radio

Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs—Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, as Summarized on Green Medicine Radio

(Why the incredibly long title to this article? Because some might dismiss a shorter title for the article as “just another rant by a “crazy health food nut.” Hard to do that when the title includes the source, a professional journal, published by the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics, whose website——tells us the […]

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