Senator Stands for Medical Free Speech

Senator Stands for Medical Free Speech

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) is taking a stand against doctors and their professional organizations who attempt to silence and sanction their colleagues who dare to stray from the mainstream medical orthodoxies regarding COVID. Action Alerts! Sen. Johnson sent a letter to the President of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), Dr. Richard Baron, regarding […]

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GMO Myths & Facts: A Summary

GMO Myths & Facts: A Summary

From The following article summarizes the recent publication, GMO Myths and Facts, by Claire Robinson. For the past several decades, the public has been fed the rhetoric that genetically modified (GM) crops and foods are needed to feed the world’s growing population and to meet the challenges that farmers face, including climate change as well […]

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Is Melatonin Dangerous?

Is Melatonin Dangerous?

Recent media reports employ familiar scare tactics to convince us that melatonin is unsafe—and they are just as wrong as ever. Action Alert! The headlines paint a bleak picture. “Thousands of kids are getting sick from downing melatonin pills.” The number of children “overdosing” on melatonin has “skyrocketed” in recent years, according to other headlines. […]

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Antidepressants and Violence

Antidepressants and Violence

Do these powerful drugs play a role in the epidemic of violent shootings in this country? Action Alert! Recent shootings in Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, Texas have tragically brought the issue of gun violence back to the nation’s attention. These violent incidents spark heated debates about what can be done to stem the tide of […]

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“Re-Education Camps” for Doctors?

“Re-Education Camps” for Doctors?

Efforts are increasing to silence doctors who stray too far from the dictates of conventional medicine. Action Alerts! “More than 2 years into this pandemic, the largest threat next to the spread of the virus itself is the spread of disinformation and misinformation.” These words were spoken by the CEO of the Federation of State […]

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Elon Musk’s Free Speech Crusade

Elon Musk’s Free Speech Crusade

Will the powers that be allow a freer internet? Elon Musk has been making headlines with his intention to buy Twitter for the purpose of promoting greater freedom of speech, but powerful forces could stand in his way. This is part of a much larger trend of censorship that has taken over the internet, even […]

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Salt: Is it Good or Bad?

Salt: Is it Good or Bad?

Lowering salt is common dietary advice but doing so could actually increase blood pressure and diabetes risk. Conventional wisdom on salt is that most Americans need to reduce their salt intake; this is the view put forth by the federal government’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans as well as others. The truth is more complicated, particularly […]

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