Unregulated Chemicals Kill Millions Every Year

Unregulated Chemicals Kill Millions Every Year

…and the EPA does nothing. Faced with such needless death, why is this agency doing nothing to protect us? Action Alert! An analysis by the World Health Institute found that, in 2019, chemical exposures resulted in the death of 2 million people globally and the loss of 53 million disability adjusted life-years. This is likely […]

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Car Sick: The Toxic Soup Inside Your Car

Car Sick: The Toxic Soup Inside Your Car

A cocktail of chemicals in your car could be making you sick. Learn how to protect yourself. Americans spend an average of six percent of their time inside cars, creating a significant route of exposure to a host of harmful chemicals. Analysis reveals the presence of hundreds of toxic chemicals inside cars, including plasticizers, flame […]

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Voices of Freedom: James S. Turner, Esq

Voices of Freedom: James S. Turner, Esq

This week our community suffered a great loss. Jim Turner, a giant of consumer advocacy and protection, passed away. Since the 1960s, he worked tirelessly to protect consumers and promote positive change. He was an inspiration and a friend to all of us at ANH, and will be greatly missed! In this interview, as part of […]

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Eating Plastic Waste, to Reduce Plastic Waste?

Eating Plastic Waste, to Reduce Plastic Waste?

That’s the federal government’s reasoning in a new initiative it is funding. This is a bad idea. Microplastics are polluting our environment and wrecking our health. To combat this pollution, the government is funding research…to turn microplastics into food. Yes, you read that correctly. The Defense Department is funding a project to turn plastic into […]

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Avoid These Toxic Holiday Toy Traps

Avoid These Toxic Holiday Toy Traps

Tips for choosing non-toxic toys for your family and friends this holiday season. ‘Tis the season! With so many choices, it can be difficult to select gifts that satisfy our family and loved ones but are also free of dangerous ingredients and contaminants. It is important to do your due diligence as a consumer, since […]

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Affordable Vitamin C for COVID

Affordable Vitamin C for COVID

The medical rationale confirmed by new review of available evidence. From our friends at ANH-International. Have you taken your vitamin C today? If you have, will you take it again, perhaps more than twice or three times, to maintain beneficial amounts of this remarkable, multi-functional nutrient in your bloodstream for more of the day, or […]

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Natural Medicine and COVID: Will Congress Help?

Natural Medicine and COVID: Will Congress Help?

Real COVID prevention means addressing the obesity and chronic disease epidemic, but the feds don’t have a clue. COVID has killed more than 750,000 Americans and caused more than three million hospitalizations. Yet the virus is not an indiscriminate killer. We know that people with underlying conditions like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are far […]

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Stop Fake Organic Milk!

Stop Fake Organic Milk!

Organic milk has a better nutrient profile and fewer contaminants than conventional milk, but loopholes are allowing fraudulent “organic” milk on the market. Action Alert! The fall meeting of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) included a discussion of the Origin of Livestock rule, which has been in limbo since 2015. The rule attempts to […]

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Tell Congress & FDA: Protect Women’s Health Choices

Tell Congress & FDA: Protect Women’s Health Choices

We’re not giving up on protecting access to the compounded bioidentical hormones that millions of women rely on to stay healthy. Help us take a stand. Action Alert! As we’ve been reporting for some time, the FDA is poised to eliminate consumer access to compounded bioidentical hormones like estriol, progesterone, testosterone, and others. We’re working with our […]

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Will Covid Kill Integrative Medicine?

Will Covid Kill Integrative Medicine?

Ronald Hoffman, MD, on the threat to integrative medicine’s future in a climate of censorship and black-and-white thinking on health and well-being. In the early twentieth century, the Flexner Report asserted the preeminence of the “biomedical model” over traditional folk medicines that were still widely embraced by Americans. Medical research was advancing in the wake […]

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