Tunnel Vision on COVID Care Killed

Tunnel Vision on COVID Care Killed

…by focusing almost exclusively on masking, social distancing, and vaccinations and ignoring what sick people could do at home to avoid hospitalization. The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented in many ways, but in other ways it is just like any other illness. Yet in addressing this illness, public health authorities have inexplicably departed from standard medical […]

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Bipartisan Support for Homeopathy

Bipartisan Support for Homeopathy

Give a big “Thank You” to those who work to protect homeopathy on Capitol Hill. Earlier this year, we supported a sign-on letter from Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) calling on the FDA to clarify how the agency will ensure continued access to important homeopathic medicines. This was in response to a major assault by the […]

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Will We Lose Resveratrol?

Will We Lose Resveratrol?

This powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and life-extending supplement could face the FDA’s axe. We need to stop it. Action Alert! Resveratrol, a plant-derived polyphenol found in grapes, could be eliminated in supplement form like pyridoxamine (B6) was a number of years ago due to an FDA back-channel that lets Big Pharma turn supplements into drugs. If […]

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Introducing the ENOUGH movement, using a single word sentiment as a mechanism for profound change in our world. The last 18 months have been a trying experience, and if you’ve felt that you’ve “had ENOUGH,” you’re not alone. This week, a new global movement has launched: the Enough Movement. Sparked by the non-profit Millions Against […]

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The Pandemic Cause No One Wants to Talk About

The Pandemic Cause No One Wants to Talk About

The underlying cause of our vulnerability to viral infection, from the coronavirus and beyond.  “The response of governments worldwide to COVID-19 has been virology-based, disregarding toxicological issues.” This is a key pullout from a new paper that should change the narrative around the COVID-19 pandemic. It argues that if we want to find the real […]

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Cell Phone Safety Fraud

Cell Phone Safety Fraud

How industry and government are endangering the public on cell phone safety. Action Alert! One of the only ways that the government regulates cell phones for safety—by limiting the amount of radiation they can emit—is completely broken and inadequate, with children facing the most risk. Industry does its own testing on emissions and can manipulate […]

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FDA Expands Supplement Attack, Targets Hemp Oil

FDA Expands Supplement Attack, Targets Hemp Oil

The FDA is signaling a change in how supplements are regulated that threatens not just hemp oil, but the entire industry. The FDA recently rejected two “new supplement” notifications for full spectrum hemp oil products. Previously the agency targeted CBD oil, stating that CBD is not a dietary supplement. These new actions are extremely concerning […]

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