Will Big Food Control Nutrition “Science?”

Will Big Food Control Nutrition “Science?”

A new report details how Big Food appears to have captured yet another key nutrition group, the American Society of Nutrition. Action Alert! You may remember that a few weeks back we reported on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ (AND) ill-fated partnership with Kraft Foods. Kraft was permitted to place the AND’s “Kids Eat […]

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ANH-USA Takes the Initiative against Monopolistic Dietetics Boards

ANH-USA Takes the Initiative against Monopolistic Dietetics Boards

With your help, we can stop them from gagging free speech about nutrition. ANH-USA has identified seventeen states with the most monopolistic scope-of-practice laws, and has sent letters to those states’ dietetic boards, their attorneys general, and key policymakers warning them that they are vulnerable to federal felony prosecution and civil damages under antitrust law […]

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Feds to Reinvent School Lunches—with Flavored Skim Milk Full of Toxic Additives!

Feds to Reinvent School Lunches—with Flavored Skim Milk Full of Toxic Additives!

Another ill-fated government foray into nutrition recommendations. Action Alert! Reps. G.T. Thompson (R-PA) and Joe Courtney (D-CT) recently introduced the School Milk Nutrition Act of 2015, which seeks to increase dairy consumption in children by mandating low-fat and non-fat flavored milk for each school meal. This follows changes to the USDA National School Lunch and […]

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Lactose Intolerant? A Better Milk Is Coming!

Lactose Intolerant? A Better Milk Is Coming!

Alas, many of its health benefits will be ruined by ultra-pasteurization—just so it can be more conveniently marketed. In April 2015, a New Zealand-based company, the a2 Milk Company, launched its brand in the US. The milk has all the properties of normal supermarket milk varieties you might buy, with one important difference: all of […]

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ANH Interviewed Regarding 21st Century Cures

ANH Interviewed Regarding 21st Century Cures

The Alliance for Natural Health- USA has been very vocal in its criticisms about the 21st Century Cures Bill that has been introduced. The fact that the bill exists shows a recognition of the broken nature of our medical system, but its contents demonstrate an inability to look for innovative approaches to address the problem. […]

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“21st Century Cures” Bill Is Actually a Throwback to the 20th Century

“21st Century Cures” Bill Is Actually a Throwback to the 20th Century

This legislation reveals once again that government will always be decades behind cutting-edge healthcare, and beholden to special interests as well. Action Alert! After a year of discussions and negotiation, Reps. Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Fred Upton (R-MI), together with three other co-sponsors, finally released a preliminary draft of their 21st Century Cures bill. It’s […]

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