10 Factors that Undermine Our Balance as We Age

10 Factors that Undermine Our Balance as We Age

From Ronald Hoffman, MD, ANH-USA Board President and Medical Director There’s a maxim I recall from my hospital training in the 80s: “GOMERs go to ground.” It was one of the sardonic 10 Commandments from Samuel Shem’s (real name Samuel Bergman, MD) “The House of God”. The 1978 book became anodyne to our arduous residency training when […]

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Congress Ignores the Threat from PFAS Contamination

Congress Ignores the Threat from PFAS Contamination

There are more than a dozen federal bills dealing with PFAS “forever chemical” contamination, but none meaningfully address the real problems with these chemicals or protect public health. We need to demand more. Action Alert! As we’ve detailed in our pilot study which received national and international media attention, our world and our bodies are […]

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August Acceleration Series – Episode Two: Bio-energetic healing — releasing the emotions that bind and freeing your potential

August Acceleration Series – Episode Two: Bio-energetic healing — releasing the emotions that bind and freeing your potential

By Meleni Aldridge, executive coordinator, ANH International Please welcome my second guest, Sam Cooper, for Episode Two in this year’s August Acceleration Series. Sam is a seasoned veteran when it comes to the natural health and wellbeing space. A practitioner for over 25 years, her fascination for “what really makes us tick” led her to […]

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August Auguries 2023

August Auguries 2023

By Ron Hoffman, MD, ANH-USA President and Medical Director Fragrant memories: One of the most remarkable stories of the summer comes to us from researchers at the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at UC Irvine. The role of smells in kindling recollections has long been a literary theme, most prominently in the novels of Marcel Proust where evocative […]

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August Acceleration Series – Episode One: Emotions — The Bridge to Consciousness

August Acceleration Series – Episode One: Emotions — The Bridge to Consciousness

By Meleni Aldridge, executive coordinator, ANH International Welcome to Episode One of the 2023 August Acceleration interview series. I’m thrilled to introduce you to my first guest, Xandra Hawes, who describes herself as a psychotherapist and psychic medium. An unusual combination of disciplines, but Xandra has spent years exploring the intersection between psychology and spirituality and […]

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PFAS in the News – and in Our Bodies

PFAS in the News – and in Our Bodies

Not only are we finding new sources of PFAS contamination and exposure, we’re learning more about the negative health effects of these ubiquitous so-called “forever chemicals.” The government and its agencies need to wake up and ban these chemicals outright – before it’s too late. Action Alert! Recently, ANH-USA released the results of our own […]

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The False Promise of Lab-Grown Meat

The False Promise of Lab-Grown Meat

Lab-grown, or cultured, meat is being heralded as an ethical, climate-saving alternative to traditional meat. But what if it isn’t safe, and what if its carbon footprint exceeds that of grass-fed animals? Read on and find out what the science is now showing us. It’s no longer science fiction, it’s here: the US government approved […]

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PFAS Report puts FDA in Cross-Hairs

PFAS Report puts FDA in Cross-Hairs

Our report showing supermarket kale to be contaminated with toxic chemicals is getting picked up far and wide. Help us maintain the momentum and call for a ban on toxic PFAS “forever chemicals.” Action Alert! Last week, we launched a national campaign on the back of our pilot study showing 7 of 8 supermarket kale […]

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Report Release: Why Are PFAS in My Kale?

Report Release: Why Are PFAS in My Kale?

The federal government doesn’t seem to think PFAS contamination of our food supply is a concern, but independent testing from ANH-USA tells a different story. We need to act now to ban PFAS. Action Alert! Independent testing conducted by ANH-USA has found kale samples purchased at grocery stores across the US to be contaminated with […]

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