Integrative Vision Award Bestowed upon AAHF President

The American College for Advancement in Medicine meeting was held in Las Vegas, October 15–19, 2008. Jonathan Wright, M.D., a distinguished clinician, educator, and ACAM member, introduced Hunter Lewis, president of American Association for Health Freedom. Then Jeanne Drisko, M.D., ACAM president and University of Kansas Medical School professor, presented Lewis the Integrative Vision Award […]

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The FDA Lets Thousands of Devices onto the Market Each Year with Only Cursory Review

When it comes to healthcare, is newer necessarily better? The idea that newer drugs are better than those that have been on the market for years has recently come under scrutiny. The higher costs of newer drugs, together along with their unknown side effects and contraindications, have led to the suggestion that one should never […]

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The Science of Cherries: The FDA Calls Cherries a Drug

A 1999 peer-reviewed report in the Journal of Natural Products published by the American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific society, concluded that tart cherries may relieve pain better than aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs. The consumption of about twenty cherries reduces inflammation in a manner similar to that of aspirin or the cox-2 inhibiting […]

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Our Troops Deserve Better

The Truth about Supplement Use among the Armed Forces In 1997, the National Defense Council Foundation found that the federal government could save up to $6.3 billion annually by increasing the health of active and retired military personnel through an anti-aging program—one that includes the use of vitamin supplementation. That report clashed with a recent […]

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Adverse Event Report Labeling for Supplements — the Controversy Continues

In 2006, AAHF took a stand against the proposed Dietary Supplement and Non-Prescription Drug Consumer Protection legislation, now law, because we felt the bill was not in the public’s best interest. The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act had already been amended to require reporting of serious adverse events for both over-the-counter and dietary supplements to […]

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