Surprise! Buried Deep in GOP Health Bill

Surprise! Buried Deep in GOP Health Bill

The Obamacare repeal is only temporary—expires in six years. A few weeks ago, we told you about a new proposal described by nearly everyone as an attempt  to repeal and replace Obamacare. The bill has now been introduced by Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Lindsay Graham (R-SC). Overall, the initiative would eliminate federal subsidies for private […]

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Dr. David Perlmutter: Blood sugar and your brain

Dr. David Perlmutter: Blood sugar and your brain

  September 13, 2017 | By Dr. David Perlmutter Several years ago, when I wrote Grain Brain, I had a long discussion with our publisher centered around choosing the best subtitle. Ultimately, we decided to emphasize the toxic role of sugar and carbs on the brain, and with good reason. Since that time, there have been […]

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Time to Face Facts About Drinking Laws

Time to Face Facts About Drinking Laws

Raising the drinking age in the United States has been a total public policy failure. It has been doing for 18-21 year olds what national prohibition did for the whole country in the 1920’s—promoting rather than restraining binge drinking. In 1984, President Reagan signed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, which gave states an ultimatum: […]

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Obamacare Repealed?

Obamacare Repealed?

Like it or not, Obamacare would not be repealed by the House bill. Action Alert! Here is just some of what is wrong with it.  The House of Representatives recently passed their version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA), a.k.a. Trumpcare—the bill meant to fulfill the Republicans’ promise to repeal and replace Obamacare. It […]

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Employee Privacy at Risk

Employee Privacy at Risk

Want a job AND privacy? Congress is on the verge of making us choose one or the other, as it paves the way for employers to access both our private medical history and our genetic information. Action Alert! Recently, a House committee approved a bill that would give employers more power to probe into their […]

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Federal Trade Commission Attacks the Environment

Federal Trade Commission Attacks the Environment

No, this is not yet another story about the Trump administration’s war on the environment. Action Alert! This tragic story proves how totally confused the debate over environmental regulation really is. This powerful agency addresses a huge environmental problem by illegally blocking progress on it. This happened under the Obama administration—now a court backs it […]

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