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Cutting-Edge Research Proves Plant Pigment Beats Coronavirus

Cutting-Edge Research Proves Plant Pigment Beats Coronavirus
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As the outbreak of COVID-19 spreads around the world, more than 80 clinical trials are underway to identify supplements that may act as antivirals and help boost your immune system without leading you into a deadly cytokine storm. These supplements look promising.

From Joseph Mercola, DO.

As the outbreak of novel coronavirus, COVID-19, continues into its third year around the world, researchers are still feverishly searching for effective remedies, for both the original virus and its substrates. According to a February 15, 2020, Nature article, more than 80 clinical trials were already underway testing remedies ranging from intravenous vitamin C and stem cells from menstrual blood to HIV drugs and malaria medication.

There’s also a study looking at serum obtained from patients who recovered from laboratory confirmed COVID-19 infection — the idea being that it will contain antibodies a freshly-infected patient would need to fight off the infection more effectively. Two other potential remedies vying for attention are quercetin and vitamin D. Not only are both known for their immune-boosting and antiviral benefits, they’re also inexpensive and widely available

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