Dallas Clouatre, Ph.D. earned his A.B. from Stanford and his Ph.D. from the University of California
at Berkeley. A Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, he is a prominent industry consultant and
a published author as well as a principle in Glykon Technologies Group, LLC, an intellectual property
holding company.
He is an Associate Editor of TotalHelath magazine and a member of the Editorial
Advisory Board of Nutritional Outlook magazine and Recent Patents on Cardiovascular Drug
Discovery. He is the author of numerous books. Recent publications include “Grape Seed Extract” in
the Encyclopedia Of Dietary Supplements (2nd edition, 2010), “Tocotrienols in Vitamin E: Hype or
Science?” and “Vitamin E – Natural vs. Synthetic” in Tocotrienols: Vitamin E Beyond Tocopherols
(2009), “Kava Kava: Examining New Reports of Toxicity” in Toxicology Letters (2004) and Anti-Fat
Nutrients (4th edition 2004). Dr. Clouatre’s primary research interests are the components of the
metabolic syndrome / Syndrome X.