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Danger Lurking in Gluten-Free Food?

Danger Lurking in Gluten-Free Food?
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Independent testing from Moms Across America shows widespread pesticide contamination of gluten-free food, even organic samples.

From Moms Across America

Moms Across America has tested 46 samples of gluten-free foods, including bread, pasta, crackers, snacks, flour, dessert mixes, and chips for glyphosate/AMPA, 236 pesticides, minerals, and gluten. The results are disturbing and affect at least 20 million people who eat gluten-free food in America.

In the United States, 12% of men and 9% of women report eating gluten-free. Around the world, 660 million people avoid gluten. Most have gluten intolerances, but some have Celiac disease, a serious life-threatening condition, and must avoid gluten entirely. People with Celiac have 2-4 X higher rates of coronary artery disease and small bowel cancer.

Moms Across America has a vast and dedicated network of mothers who are dealing with physical and mental health issues in their families. Many of our mothers are also challenged with their own health issues.

Some of our supporters have reported eating gluten-free and mostly organic food for many years and yet still have gut issues, anxiety, and other health issues. We suspected that the ingredients of gluten-free food were not as clean as they could be. The ingredients of gluten-free food are often not organic.

Director Zen Honeycutt stated about the results:

We had hoped to find that gluten-free foods that were also organic would be free of glyphosate and pesticides. They were not. The prevalence of glyphosate and agrochemicals in our food supply, even in organic and even in foods made for people with American Disability Act (ADA) recognized disability, such as Celiac disease, is disturbing for many reasons. This contamination is avoidable. As the EU has done, all our policymakers need to do is disallow the spraying of glyphosate and other agrochemicals as a drying agent on crops. The result would be that 80% of our exposure to glyphosate would be eliminated from food consumption. We urge food manufacturers to join us in calling for better regulation of the food supply.

Read the full article.

3 thoughts on “Danger Lurking in Gluten-Free Food?

  • Truth59

    This is not surprising as well as shameful and most foods also have forever chemicals in them. Both need to be gotten rid of by the food industry, especially in organics.

  • Ronald Levine

    What if there were a terrorist who hated us and intending to cause harm to the health of many victims sprayed glyphosate on some tiny portion of our Nation’s food supply and caught and convicted? What if there were those who facilitated that by raising the tolerable limit of this poison in our food and refused to prosecute for using glyphosate off label for “drying?” What should the felony sentence of such terrorists and facilitators be? Why are the exact same acts tolerated when done on a much wider scale by orders of magnitude and approved by our public servants and not prosecuted as a crime? Please let me know what you think:
    [email protected]

  • Barry

    The manufacturers have an obligation to test and confirm that the raw materials they receive are free of pesticides and poisonous matters.
    Otherwise they are just as guilty for deception on their labels .

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