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FDA Violates Free Speech to Limit Supplement Access. Take Action!

FDA Violates Free Speech to Limit Supplement Access. Take Action!
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The FDA is trampling free speech to limit
your access to supplements. But ANH-USA
has a bold new legal strategy. Will you join
us in this historic battle?

Dear Readers,
Did you know that if a supplement company “Likes” a customer’s Facebook post, it magically transforms nutritional supplements into drugs? The same thing happens if a supplement’s website links to a scientific article!
As recently as this week, the FDA has made attacks like these to expand the agency’s definition of “disease claim.” Why? By saying a supplement makes a disease claim, the FDA can call it a “drug”—and then remove it from the market!
This also has scary implications for the government regulation of Internet searches and speech. If supplement companies start deleting customer comments out of fear of FDA action, then the FDA has effectively limited consumer speech by using the company as a censorship puppet.

The FDA is pushing your First Amendment rights
closer and closer to the edge. Will you push back,
before it’s too late?

It doesn’t stop there: the FDA has something called its Evidence-Based Review System. It’s just a backdoor tactic to require prohibitively expensive studies—as in hundreds of millions of dollars—if companies want to make any claim about the science behind their supplements. Because natural products can’t be patented, supplement companies can never recoup these astronomical costs. Only Big Pharma and their blockbuster drugs can afford to “pay-to-play:”

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We’ve had enough. How about you?
Here’s our plan: ANH-USA will submit multiple petitions—strategically supported by our ongoing legal activities—to address, from various angles, FDA’s egregious First Amendment violations. If we win, we ALL win. If the petitions are denied, we’re ready to pursue further litigation.
Immediate action is critical. Unfortunately, this is an expensive project. This is why we need your help!

Our goal is to raise $40,000 by June 14, so we can
kick off our FDA petitions to defend free speech
and supplement access.

Please make a tax-deductible gift today!
Any amount—even just a few dollars—
makes a huge difference.

The FDA’s actions leave consumers in the dark about the dietary supplements they are buying for themselves and their families. This can be a matter of safety—for you and the ones you love.
The FDA is halfway down the slippery slope of taking away consumer access to supplements. Will you join us in saying, “Enough is enough!”?
Yours in the fight,
Liz Ardagna
Membership Director, ANH-USA
P.S.: As an extra bonus, through June 14, your qualifying donation earns you a reusable tote bag, BPA-free water bottle, picnic blanket, or yoga mat that lets you proudly show off your support for ANH-USA. Please make your gift today!

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