Is America—this great bastion of freedom—really trying to cede its powers in the event of another global health emergency to the World Health Organization (WHO)? And sign away this power without ratification by the US Senate? The simple answer to both questions is ‘yes.’ Action Alert!
- The WHO is planning a power grab that will centralize healthcare decision-making during future pandemics into the hands of a select group of unelected bureaucrats.
- Changes to international standards currently being negotiated would undermine national sovereignty, despite assurances from WHO officials and supporters.
- People aren’t aware of these changes because the mainstream media refuses to report on these very real threats.
Medical autonomy on the chopping block
During the COVID pandemic, did you think that the lockdowns weren’t forceful or long enough, that there wasn’t enough tracking and surveillance, that there weren’t enough mask mandates, that people were given too much leeway to travel, that previously untrialled, completely novel genetic vaccines weren’t rolled out quick enough, that those who refused the vaccines weren’t punished enough, or that “misinformation” wasn’t sufficiently snuffed out or censored? If so, then you’ll be thrilled with what’s in the pipeline at the World Health Organization (WHO).
If not, then you need to be paying very close attention to what is being discussed behind closed doors in WHO negotiating bodies. What the WHO is aiming for is a pandemic response in the future that is something like what we experienced when the COVID pandemic was announced in March 2020 – but on steroids. The goal is more centralization of health policy decision-making, a move towards authoritarianism that will sideline the individual and their doctor in favor of a faceless bureaucracy that will have zero understanding of your health status, your resilience or sensitivities, your health needs, or your circumstances. There are also discussions over how much American healthcare hardware is going to be sent to other parts of the world – decisions Americans have no say in – all in the name of health equity.
The mechanisms for this centralization of power are a group of proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and a separate pandemic accord (informally referred to as a “treaty”). Last year, we summarized some of the main threats these negotiations represent to health freedom. To make matters worse, it’s probable that the Biden Administration will try to get both the IHR amendments and the closely-linked ‘pandemic treaty’ through without the approval of Congress. As very few people seem to be paying attention to this, it is imperative that we make our voices heard and share this information widely.
Media blackout
That this issue is receiving very little attention is down to mainstream media policy. Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) hosted a press conference on Monday, February 5 about the ‘pandemic accord’; Representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ) also raised awareness in Congress on this issue. These events were barely reported on any if the main news channels.
Coverage of this issue in the New York Times is typical of how the mainstream media has reported on the IHR and ‘pandemic treaty’. For example, type in the phrase ‘International Health Regulations’ into the search box of the New York Times and you’ll find no coverage about the negotiations. You simply find articles that endorse the principle of the WHO running the show. Type ‘pandemic treaty’ into the UK’s The Guardian website (which happens to be funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) and you’ll find stories, such as this one, “Can a WHO pandemic treaty help poorer nations in future outbreaks?” (August 10, 2023), that talks to the desperate need by poorer countries to receive vaccines in the event of a pandemic. Remember? That’s all about ensuring health equity.
Fake news?

To the extent that the issue is discussed, those who question the WHO’s power-grab as an assault on state sovereignty are labeled as conspiracy theorists and purveyors of “fake news.” These are, in fact, the very words of Director-General of the WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, during his opening remarks at the January negotiations.
In our view, it is hardly fear-mongering to point out the very real possibilities that exist given the proposals on the table. Several amendments to the IHR would seemingly give the WHO binding powers to dictate health policy to member states, which includes the USA. For example, the WHO can currently issue “non-binding” temporary and standing recommendations on medical countermeasures to address a public health emergency; a proposed amendment would eliminate the word “non-binding” from the IHR, making these into binding recommendations.
Even more disturbing, a new proposed Article 13A would read: “States Parties recognize WHO as the guidance and coordinating authority of international public health response during public health Emergency of International Concern and undertake to follow WHO’s recommendations in their international public health response (emphasis added).” According to some observers, this new section would require all country signatories to follow WHO recommendations during a public health emergency.
If implemented, how do these changes not amount to an attack on national sovereignty? The point of all of this is to have a more coordinated, unified response to the next pandemic. That necessarily means more top-down, one-size-fits-all medical policy via unelected health bureaucrats, rather than each country pursuing their own course, and individuals making their own health choices (i.e. autonomy). Yes, what we’re effectively being asked–without actually being asked—is to give up our health freedom and medical autonomy for the greater good, whatever that means. All for the sake of health equity. You better believe it.
What’s next…
Current negotiations on the IHR and the ‘pandemic treaty’ will culminate in the May meeting of the World Health Assembly in May 2024; then it will take a further 18 months for these amendments to come into effect. With so many people still unaware of what happening, this time may offer us additional opportunities for more pushback if the outcomes of the current negotiations and the May vote are unfavorable for individual health and national sovereignty.
In the interim, we will continue to update you on these developments.
Action Alert! Write to Congress and tell them you oppose the IHR amendments and the ‘pandemic treaty’ and because you value democracy, any changes that are proposed by the US must undergo Senate scrutiny and ratification. Please send your message immediately.
You forgot to mention that bill gates controls WHO