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Hoffman & Verkerk Dialogue on How to Safeguard and Protect Natural Health

Hoffman & Verkerk Dialogue on How to Safeguard and Protect Natural Health
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New York-based Dr Ron Hoffman MD CNS is recognized as one of America’s foremost complementary and integrative medicine practitioners. He was founder and Medical Director of the Hoffman Center in New York City, and now maintains a private practice in New York. He is also President both ANH-USA and the Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists (BCNS). He’s authored numerous books and articles for the public and for health professionals, and is host of the Intelligent Medicine podcast

On this week’s podcast, Dr Hoffman speaks with Rob Verkerk PhD, ANH founder and executive and scientific director of ANH-Intl and ANH-USA just before Rob left for New Orleans, where he’s presenting at the Inflammaging Conference organized by the International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM). 

In a fascinating two-part conversation, Ron and Rob cover a lot of ground discussing the work of the ANH, in the US, UK and Europe. Their discussions included ANH’s work protecting access to supplements and natural health therapies, including homeopathy, which is coming under increasing attack in the US, UK and European Union. They also zoned in on the acute need to challenge increasingly stringent censorship of communications about natural health options that many expected to be relaxed post-pandemic (and have actually increased in intensity and scope).

Listen to Part 1

Listen to Part 2

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