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Hyperbaric Oxygen for Our Wounded War Heroes in the News

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Legislation unanimously passed the House of Representatives this month that would recognize hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in Veterans Administration medical facilities across the country and report the results to Congress. Rep. Pete Sessions (R–TX) authored the legislation as an amendment to the 2010 fiscal year Military Construction and VA Appropriations Act. The new legislation requires that the VA give Congress a detailed report of current and planned use of HBOT in VA medical centers.
AAHF Board member Paul Harch, MD, was filmed on July 13 as part of a profile on a double-amputee veteran with traumatic brain injury (TBI). CBS News has followed this soldier’s story since 2004 at Walter Reed Army Hospital. According to Dr. Harch, “After one week of hyperbaric oxygen therapy last month, his brain injury was so improved that he called the producer and told them to come to New Orleans to see what was happening.” The segment is scheduled to air on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric during the week of July 20.
AAHF issued an alert in the fall of 2008 urging members to ask their elected officials to provide our wounded heroes with the very best medical care—in this case hyperbaric oxygen therapy for traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress disorder. Let’s keep up the pressure on our senators and representatives!

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