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In Memoriam: We Mourn the Passing of Former AAHF President Shari Lieberman, PhD, CNS

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On Tuesday, July 21, 2009, the world of clinical nutrition and education lost a special member of its family, Shari Lieberman, PhD, CNS. Dr. Lieberman served the American Association for Health Freedom with the same passion she brought to her research and education efforts, her clinical practice, and all those she touched through a long and distinguished career.
Dr. Lieberman earned her PhD in Clinical Nutrition and Exercise Physiology from the Union Institute in Cincinnati, and her MS degree in Nutrition, Food Science, and Dietetics from New York University. She was a Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS); a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition; a member of the New York Academy of Science; a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine; a board member of the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists; former president of the American Association for Health Freedom; and the recipient of the National Nutritional Foods Association 2003 Clinician of the Year Award.
Dr. Lieberman’s bestselling 1997 book, The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book, is now in its 4th edition. She authored a number of other popular books including Dare To Lose: 4 Simple Steps to a Better Body; The Gluten Connection: How Gluten Sensitivity May Be Sabotaging Your Health–And What You Can Do to Take Control Now; Get Off the Menopause Roller Coaster; Maitake Mushroom and D-Fraction; Maitake, King of Mushrooms; and All About Vitamin C. She was a faculty member of the University of Bridgeport School of Human Nutrition graduate program and an industry consultant. She was a contributing editor to the American Medical Associations’ Drug Evaluations, 5th ed.; a peer reviewer for scientific publications; a published scientific researcher; and a presenter at numerous scientific conferences. She educated physicians, patients and consumers, and her peers.
Dr. Lieberman was a frequent guest on many television and radio shows and her name was often seen in magazines as an authority on nutrition. Her “New York spirit” and passion for her work as well as her intellect and great wit made her a joy to many. She was brilliant in her field yet could explain the most complicated biochemical theory on a level understandable by every healthcare consumer. Her work is a testament to the passion she had to change the face of research and clinical nutrition one idea at a time. She helped so many who sought her clinical expertise.
Dr. Lieberman had been in private practice as a clinical nutritionist in New York City for many years. She will be buried in Florida, where she lived with her husband.

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