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Industry GMO Labeling Bill Passes

Industry GMO Labeling Bill Passes
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Once again, Congress has sold out voters.
Last Thursday, the phony GMO “labeling” bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 306–117. The bill now awaits President Obama’s signature, and our sources tell us that he is likely to sign the bill into law. Many organizations are flooding the White House with messages. If you wish to join them, we have an action alert for the purpose. Action Alert!
The only winner in this legislation is Big Food. As we said in our previous coverage, this bill does not provide any meaningful GMO label on foods. There are no enforcement mechanisms, so companies can simply ignore the law and not label their food without fear of reprisal. As we reported last week, the legislation could possibly even be used to undermine producers’ ability to label their food as non-GMO. We plan to discuss this latter problem with Sen. Stabenow (D-MI), since she was co-author of the bill, and we will keep you updated.
Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

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