Keep Supplements Safe

Keep Supplements Safe

******* Action Alerts For This Campaign ********
stopLegislation to Protect Your Right to Know About the Science Behind Supplements!
Consumers are largely kept in the dark about the potential health benefits of foods and supplements. Why? Because current law makes it illegal for food and supplement producers to share this information. Take Action>>

Sen. McCain Files New Bill Attacking Your Access to Supplements Read More>>

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA)
What is DSHEA?
Are Dietary Supplements Unregulated?
ANH-USA’s Position on DSHEA
ANH-USA Initiatives in Support of DSHEA
Supplements Protecting the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act
The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) defines dietary supplements as food and not drugs. This is critical to maintaining access to high quality, natural food-supplements. A natural product, by definition, may not be patent-protected. Without the promise of the economic reward that follows successfully patenting a product, it is impossible to weather the new-drug approval process, which can literally cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Thus, if supplements were categorized as drugs and required to go through the new-drug approval process, we would see most of our supplements disappear. Defending DSHEA from attacks by the media, the pharmaceutical industry and elected officials who prefer a pre-market approval approach is a top priority for ANH-USA! ANH-USA has prepared the following primer to help educate those who believe DSHEA should be amended “because supplements are not adequately regulated.” Read More>>

Senate Hearing Headlines: The Media Gets It Wrong Again. Here Is Some Of What You Need To Know About Supplement Safety.
June 1, 2010
In last week’s newsletter, we reported that the staff of the Senate Committee on Aging, led by Senator Kohl (D-WI), was preparing a surprise ambush of dietary supplements in a Senate hearing held last Wednesday. We were right. But we didn’t anticipate how seriously distorted the major media news stories would be . Read More>>

New Senate Supplements Bill Expected
senateApril 20, 2010
Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Tom Harkin (D-IA), both supporters of natural health and supplements, plan to introduce new legislation, the Dietary Supplement Full Implementation and Enforcement Act of 2010, within the coming weeks. The bill will fully fund FDA implementation of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), the legislation that governs the regulation of dietary supplements. Read More>>

Finally– Legislation to Protect Your Right to Know About the Science Behind Supplements!
vitamin_thmMarch 30, 2010Today Congressmen Jason Chaffetz (R, UT) and Jared Polis (D, CO) have introduced the Free Speech about Science Act (H.R. 4913). This landmark legislation protects basic free speech rights, ends censorship of science, and enables the natural health products community to share peer-reviewed scientific findings about natural health products with the public.  Read More>>

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