Leahy’s Food Safety Accountability Act

Leahy’s Food Safety Accountability Act

******** Action Alerts for this Campaign ********
stopAsk the House to Oppose the Food Safety Accountability Act of 2011!
The Senate just passed S.216, which is a tweaked version of last year’s Food Safety Accountability Act. We understand that there is some pressure to get a similar bill introduced in the House.
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Read More About Leahy’s Food Safety Accountability Act:

Urgent Action Alert: The Leahy Bill is BACK!
congressApril 12, 2011
We fear that the vague language and ten-year jail term in the bill will be misused by the FDA to threaten innocent natural health food and dietary supplement producers. Please take action to amend or stop it.
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Food Safety Bill Update
congressNovember 23, 2010
Things can change very quickly on Capitol Hill. On the heels of last week’s triumph stopping the completely unacceptable Leahy bill, we have more news on the Senate Food Safety Bill (S. 510).
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Emergency Action Alert on Leahy Food Safety Bill
This very minute, Senate insiders are working behind closed doors to make even innocent acts by small food and supplement producers punishable with ten-year jail terms.
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Victory! Leahy’s Draconian Food Safety Bill Language Defeated For Now!
Press Release
For Immediate Release: November 19, 2010
We’re thrilled to announce that today that, thanks to your calls and letters, the Senate Food Safety bill (S. 510) will not include those obscene ten-year jail sentences for food and supplement manufacturers who violate complicated FDA rules.
ANH-USA has further learned that Sen. Hatch worked with Sen. Leahy to remove a section from the Leahy bill that specifically targeted supplements and made a lapse in filing to the FDA subject to the full ten-year jail term. This is important, because this was the worst part of the bill, and Sen. Leahy could attempt to pass his bill again, either during the Lame Duck session or in the next Congress.
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Please Help Us Stop The Leahy Food Safety Bill
congressNovember 16, 2010
Congress is back in session, and the sleeper in the Senate is Senator Leahy’s Food Safety Enhancement Act (S.3767), poised to pass in the very near future unless you help us stop it now.
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What’s Happening with the Leahy Bill?
congressSeptember 28, 2010
Earlier this month, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced the Food Safety Accountability Act of 2010 (S. 3767). The bill was intended to strengthen criminal penalties for food safety violators. But in reality, it increased criminal penalties to ten years’ imprisonment for adulterating or misbranding food. This was completely unacceptable because of the way the FDA interprets the words “adulterating” and “misbranding.” You could have gone to jail for ten years just for citing scientific research from leading universities about your food product.
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Why Patrick Leahy’s Food Safety Accountability Act of 2010 Must Be Stopped
patrick-leahySeptember 21, 2010
Last week we told you about the threat posed by Sen. Leahy’s new bill. This week we want to explain how important it is that all of us take action—immediately.
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Breaking News: NEW “Food Safety” Threat
United States CapitolSeptember 14, 2010
A brand new bill has just been introduced in the Senate. It’s supposed to hold accountable those who taint our food supply on purpose. But as drafted, it actually gives license to the FDA to target supplement and natural health product companies. Please take action today! This bill is a misguided attempt to ensure the safety of our food and supplements. Even after a new amendment that significantly improves the bill, it still gives the FDA more power to threaten, silence, and penalize small natural food and supplement makers and distributors.
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