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More Concerns Over HPV Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness

More Concerns Over HPV Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness
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The HPV vaccine is being hailed a success in preventing HPV related cancers yet statistics tell a very different story

From ANH-International

In early 2020, Cancer Research UK raised an alarm over the steep rise in rates of cervical cancer in women aged 25-29, which it attributed to low rates of screening.

First introduced in 2006 for use in girls aged 9-12 years, the recombinant HPV vaccine (initially bivalent, subsequently quadrivalent) was hailed as a panacea that would prevent HPV-related cancers. Much hype has surrounded the vaccine despite many reports of serious adverse reactions following the jabs, both in girls and latterly boys, who are being targeted with the aim of protecting them from genital warts caused by HPV infection.

In 2011, attention turned to men who have sex with men (MSM) and in 2014 Gardasil 9 was approved for use in women and men aged 9-26 years in the US. In 2018, the jab’s use was extended to cover men and women aged 27-45 years. As every effort has been expended by HPV manufacturers and health authorities to target the widest possible sector of the population, including in the so-called less developed world, few have been informed that approximately 90% of HPV infections resolve without any intervention.

There’s other news, the vaccine makers would likely prefer the public didn’t know: new evidence published in Lancet Oncology suggests that HPV vaccination makes women more susceptible than their unvaccinated peers to developing cancer caused by HPV variants not covered by vaccine covering HPV 16 and 18. 

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