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Neighborhood Food Network

Neighborhood Food Network
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From Moms Across America.

On April 18, 2022, Moms Across America launched a new Neighborhood Food Network pilot program. The invitation to participate in this new initiative was shared on the Monday night Moms Connect Call with the preview of the website. 

“We are thrilled to share this new initiative. It is time for our health and prosperity not to be dictated by decisions made on Wall Street but by our street. This hyper-local focus on going door to door just on your street and meeting your neighbors to strategize, organize, and mobilize to secure food safety will have far-reaching effects in the future. The challenges we face will be greatly quelled by fostering an environment of preparedness, health, and community,” said Zen Honeycutt, initiator of the program…

This program, which participants are invited to initiate on their block, will create a parallel food system, one street at a time, where people can grow their food, connect with local small farmers, be prepared in times of crisis, and be independent of the current food system.

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