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Organic Farmers Worry They Might Come Under Attack if the Food Safety Enhancement Act is Not Amended

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A recent issue of Pulse of Health Freedom addressed HR2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act that was co-sponsored by Congressman Henry Waxman. AAHF legislative director Tami Wahl has continued her work on the bill by publicizing our full-page ad in Roll Call; meeting with Congressman Peter Welch (D–VT) and contacting Congressman Collin Peterson (D–MN), chair of the House Agriculture Committee; and attending the Agriculture Committee’s hearing.

Small and medium organic farmers, according to Reuter’s news reports, worry about being unfairly targeted by the pending legislation. Mark Kastel, an analyst at Cornucopia Institute in Wisconsin, was quoted as saying, “Based on the escalating cost that would be involved in conforming to this legislation, administrative fees, record-keeping, and internal labor requirements, we can force out of business some of the highest quality practitioners.” He reports that organic farmers are tempering their enthusiasm for food safety reform.
HR2749 is on the House Suspension Calendar to be voted on this week.  This means once the bill is on the floor, no amendments can be offered and only 40 minutes of debate are permitted equally divided between the opponents and proponents of the bill.  Negotiations continue amongst the members who have concerns with the bill as currently drafted.  An agreement regarding amendment language needs to be reached before the bill can hit the House floor for a vote.
The time is now to let your elected official know you do not favor giving the FDA vast new powers (including the power to intimidate) in the name of food safety reform.

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