Beware the Eye of the Storm

Beware the Eye of the Storm

From Organic Consumers Association Growing up on the Gulf of Mexico and living through several intense hurricanes, I became familiar with the term “eye of the storm.” The “eye” refers to the interlude or relative calm between the two phases of a hurricane, when the center of the storm is passing directly overhead. I was […]

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Feds Coming for Your B-Vitamins

Feds Coming for Your B-Vitamins

B vitamins are essential to life, but Congress could be following in Europe’s footsteps in placing outrageous restrictions on these and other vitamins. Action Alert!  A few weeks ago, we told you about the threat to high-dose supplements represented by mandatory product registration for supplements. This regulation is the beginning of the end for Americans’ […]

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FDA Moves to Ban Key to Alzheimer’s?

FDA Moves to Ban Key to Alzheimer’s?

Evidence is accumulating that glutathione plays an important role in age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. So why is the FDA pursuing a ban on it? Action Alert! Recently we told you about the FDA’s threat to compounded glutathione, the body’s most important antioxidant that is useful for a variety of health conditions. In fact, […]

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FDA Backs Glutathione Ban

FDA Backs Glutathione Ban

The threat to this critical medicine deepens. We have to act fast to protect glutathione. Action Alert! Ahead of the June 8th meeting of an FDA advisory committee, the FDA has released its own recommendation for whether glutathione should be permitted to be made at specialized pharmacies for individual patients—and the news isn’t good. The […]

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Regeneration: Beyond the Madness and Sadness

Regeneration: Beyond the Madness and Sadness

From Organic Consumers Association Given the magnitude of the current crisis, we at OCA believe we need to expand our redemptive message of Regeneration to encompass, not only the next stage of organic food and farming and land use, but also our political policies and practices. We must step up our efforts, not only championing […]

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USA: A Cry for Regeneration

USA: A Cry for Regeneration

From Organic Consumers Association Why It’s time for a game-changing grassroots-powered politics based upon Regeneration, rather than “business as usual” and “politics as usual.” Unfortunately, both Democratic and Republican politicians in the U.S. appear to have lost touch with reality and the needs of everyday working class, middle class, low-income, and rural communities. America’s political […]

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“Re-Education Camps” for Doctors?

“Re-Education Camps” for Doctors?

Efforts are increasing to silence doctors who stray too far from the dictates of conventional medicine. Action Alerts! “More than 2 years into this pandemic, the largest threat next to the spread of the virus itself is the spread of disinformation and misinformation.” These words were spoken by the CEO of the Federation of State […]

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FDA’s Major Food Failure

FDA’s Major Food Failure

An in-depth analysis reveals deep, structural problems that prevent the FDA from adequately ensuring the safety of our food—so why is the agency attacking supplements? Action Alert! A major investigation into the FDA’s food safety work from Politico shows a profoundly broken agency unable to do the jobs it has been tasked with. Some major […]

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