FDA Attacks Natural Thyroid

FDA Attacks Natural Thyroid

For years the FDA has wanted natural thyroid replacement off the market. Now the agency is moving to eliminate individualized versions of this medicine. Action Alert! The FDA has declared natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) to be a “biologic” and thus ineligible for pharmacy compounding. This is the latest in a decades-long effort by the agency […]

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Will the Government Ever Get Nutrition Right?

Will the Government Ever Get Nutrition Right?

A massive government initiative to address hunger and diet-related disease is forming—why does it ignore some of the most obvious solutions? Action Alert! The Biden Administration is laying out its plan to end hunger, increase healthy eating, and combat diet-related disease in the US. It’s a multi-faceted plan that includes improving food access and affordability, […]

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Bill Gates: The Planet’s Unofficial Minister of Health

Bill Gates: The Planet’s Unofficial Minister of Health

…in shaping the world’s response to this and future pandemics. An in-depth Politico report shows how powerful non-governmental organizations wielded incredible influence in shaping the global response to the COVID pandemic—with almost no oversight. The report notes that four global non-governmental organizations, all with ties to Bill Gates—the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome […]

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Will Curcumin Be Eliminated?

Will Curcumin Be Eliminated?

European countries are taking aim at curcumin supplements, showing why we should not follow in their footsteps with Sen. Dick Durbin’s disastrous, anti-supplement policy. Action Alert! Following a spate of adverse events purportedly linked to curcumin supplements, Italy has prohibited all health claims related to curcumin. This has led to concerns that European authorities are […]

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The Many Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis and Cannabidiol (CBD)

The Many Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis and Cannabidiol (CBD)

From Joseph Mercola, DO Production of cannabis is booming as the medical benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) are increasingly recognized. According to Project CBD, at least 50 conditions are believed to be improved by CBD, including pain, seizures, muscle spasms, nausea associated with chemotherapy, digestive disorders such as colitis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), degenerative neurological […]

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NYT’s Supplement Vendetta is Getting Old

NYT’s Supplement Vendetta is Getting Old

Frightening conclusions are being drawn from a flawed vitamin D study. Action Alert! You can almost see the smile on the reporter’s face at The New York Times who wrote the headline: “Study Finds Another Condition That Vitamin D Pills Don’t Help.” The study on which the article is based did indeed conclude that vitamin […]

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Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally

Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally

As a key contributor to the leading cause of death among adults, getting blood pressure under control is of critical importance—here are some natural ways to do so. Let this sink in: high blood pressure is the single most important risk factor for dying prematurely, and 90 percent of Americans are predicted to develop it […]

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Supplement Bans Courtesy of Junk Science

Supplement Bans Courtesy of Junk Science

In banning higher dose vitamins, regulators ignore benefits and exaggerate risks. Action Alert! For a while now, we’ve been telling you about the threats posed by mandatory product listing (MPL) for supplements, a policy championed by Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL). We fear that, if MPL gets passed, the US will start restricting vitamin doses as […]

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COVID Vax Approved for Babies

COVID Vax Approved for Babies

The march toward a yearly COVID shot for young children continues. The FDA has amended the emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccination to include children aged six months to five years. We believe the campaign to get young children vaccinated against COVID is really about getting COVID shots added to the CDC’s Childhood […]

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