FDA Declares Homeopathy Illegal

FDA Declares Homeopathy Illegal

The homeopathic drugs you rely on have been declared illegal by the FDA, meaning the agency can wipe them off the market whenever they wish. We must fight back. Action Alert! This is the beginning of the end for homeopathy unless we do something about it. The FDA has completed their overhaul of homeopathy regulation, […]

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Homeopathy Bombshell Coming

Homeopathy Bombshell Coming

The FDA is taking another step forward in its plans to eliminate homeopathic medicines from the market. Action Alert! The FDA submitted its terrible draft guidance that threatens consumer access to homeopathic medicines to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), a clear sign that the agency intends to make its policy final. We’re running […]

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Statins Better than Supplements?

Statins Better than Supplements?

Sure, if your goal is to increase your risk of grave side effects while taking ineffective medications. Action Alert! Here we go again: another flawed study taking aim at supplements. A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology concludes that statins are more effective than fish oil, cinnamon, garlic, turmeric, […]

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FDA Flip Flops on Lifespan Supplement

FDA Flip Flops on Lifespan Supplement

The FDA has said that an important supplement that is on the cutting edge of lifespan and health span research can no longer be sold as a supplement because it is being studied as a drug—another gift to drug monopolists! Action Alert! The FDA pulled a similar reversal a few years ago with vinpocetine, now […]

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Nutrition: Why We Can’t Trust the Government

Nutrition: Why We Can’t Trust the Government

One of the most powerful groups that influences Americans’ eating decisions is dominated by junk food companies. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) and its foundation “assist the food and beverage, pharmaceuticals and agribusiness industries through their large network of professionals and students, their lax internal policies on corporate partnerships and their topical position […]

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Celebrate, Don’t Medicalize, Menopause!

Celebrate, Don’t Medicalize, Menopause!

From ANH-International. Should women be helped to embrace, rather than be made to fear, this natural life stage? The gaslighting of women over menopause in recent years has left many terrified of what awaits them as they approach their transition through this entirely natural life stage. More and more young women are expressing their fear […]

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Oppose Vote to Make COVID Vax Routine for Kids

Oppose Vote to Make COVID Vax Routine for Kids

Yesterday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted 15-0 to add COVID-19 vaccines to the federal Vaccines for Children Program. Today, they may vote to recommend COVID-19 shots be added to the routine childhood vaccination schedule. Action Alert! If COVID vaccines are added to the childhood immunization […]

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