FDA Standing in the Way of Longer Life

FDA Standing in the Way of Longer Life

Once again, the feds are about to hand a ground-breaking, life-extending supplement to Big Pharma so it can be turned into an expensive monopoly drug. Action Alert! For a few months now, we’ve been telling you about the threat to nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplements, which are on the cutting edge of lifespan research. NMN supplements […]

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What They Got Wrong About Covid

What They Got Wrong About Covid

From Ronald Hoffman, MD For as long as I can remember, over a 40 year career in medicine, there have existed two warring paradigms about disease: One envisions a future in which science will ultimately vanquish all disorders with ever more precisely-targeted drug and surgical interventions; the other maintains that the truth path to wellness […]

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Judge Halts Free Speech Ban for Doctors

Judge Halts Free Speech Ban for Doctors

A judge has put the brakes on a bad California law that would censor doctors. A California judge issued a preliminary injunction last week which prevents AB 2098 from being enforced for the time being. This law was approved last year and gives the state medical board the power to target doctors who disseminate “misinformation” […]

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FDA Rejects CBD as a Supplement

FDA Rejects CBD as a Supplement

Today the FDA officially denied requests to permit CBD in food or supplements. Action Alert! The FDA just released a statement explaining that the “existing regulatory framework” for foods and supplements are not appropriate for CBD and that a new regulatory pathway is needed. The agency also denied three Citizens Petitions requesting the agency issue a regulation that would allow […]

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FDA: We Know Better Than Doctors!

FDA: We Know Better Than Doctors!

In a sneaky move, the FDA has extended its power over how doctors can practice medicine. Action Alert! Doctors, be advised: the FDA is starting to regulate the practice of medicine. Buried in the 4,155 page spending bill Congress recently approved is the innocuous-sounding “Bans of Devices for One or More Intended Uses.” This dangerous […]

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You Paid for COVID Vax Megaprofits

You Paid for COVID Vax Megaprofits

COVID vaccines are going up, up, up in price…but what do the numbers say about their safety and effectiveness? State-based Action Alerts! Moderna recently announced that it is considering charging between $110 and $130 per dose for its COVID vaccine as the US government decreases its pandemic spending, matching what Pfizer has signaled it plans to charge for […]

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2022 Natural Health Advocacy Year in Review

2022 Natural Health Advocacy Year in Review

We saw a lot of action on natural health issues over the past year, including some big wins. Here’s where we stand on some of the top issues where ANH works to protect your access to natural health. Senator Durbin’s Push for FDA Supplement Registration Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) pushed hard this year for additional […]

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Your Poop is Now a Drug!

Your Poop is Now a Drug!

A few years ago, we asked if fecal microbiota transplants (FMT)—that is, human poop—would become a drug. The FDA just gave us the answer: yes! The FDA recently approved the first FMT drug last week for the treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) in patients who have already completed a course of antibiotic treatment. Only by […]

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