Will You Be a Second-Class Citizen?

Will You Be a Second-Class Citizen?

Autoimmune patients face increased danger with COVID vaccines and the threat of discrimination if they choose not to get vaccinated. Join Our International Campaign! “Have you been vaccinated?” That question could determine whether you can get into restaurants, movie theaters, schools, workplaces, shopping centers, airports—even neighbors’ homes. This unfairly discriminates against those who have a […]

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Feds On Vitamins and COVID: Shut Up or Pay Up!

Feds On Vitamins and COVID: Shut Up or Pay Up!

More lunacy from the federal government threatens doctors with $10,000 fines if they tell you the science about how vitamins and minerals can help with COVID. Action Alert! The Department of Justice (DoJ) recently announced the first enforcement action against “deceptive marketing” of COVID treatments. The case involves a Missouri chiropractor who is alleged to […]

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Fact-Checker Fail

Fact-Checker Fail

How fact-checkers distort the truth under a false guise of “objectivity” and shape our view of the news. ‘Fact-checking’ sites have arisen in recent years, purportedly to help us sort through the miasma of “fake news” and “misinformation” that inundate the Internet. A closer look at some of the fact-checkers shows that they are hardly […]

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Are ‘Clotters’ at Higher Risk?

Are ‘Clotters’ at Higher Risk?

Rare clotting events are occurring after some COVID vaccines. Are you at risk? Action Alert! Following reports of serious blood clotting events after vaccination with the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine, health authorities have recommended pausing distribution of that vaccine. We’ve seen countries overseas halt the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine after similar instances of dangerous blood clotting. Health authorities so […]

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COVID: What About Those Who Don’t Recover?

COVID: What About Those Who Don’t Recover?

What causes ill health months after infection, and what can be done to prevent it. Action Alert! One of the mysteries of the COVID-19 pandemic is why some people who become infected with the virus continue to have symptoms months after infection. Much is still unknown, including what causes “long-haul” COVID, particularly in those who had […]

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Danger Lurking in Drugs

Danger Lurking in Drugs

More reason to approach prescription drugs with caution. Action Alert! A recent study found that the “inactive” ingredients used in many prescription drugs aren’t so inactive, and in fact impact many of the body’s molecular processes. The authors identified 38 inactive ingredients that interacted with 44 molecular targets; in some cases the level of activity […]

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COVID: Taxpayers Invest in Pharma Profits

COVID: Taxpayers Invest in Pharma Profits

Taxpayers are shelling out billions for drugs that don’t work. This has to stop. Action Alert! A recent exposé in Rolling Stone magazine details how Big Pharma companies are making out like bandits during this pandemic. The details highlight some of the worst aspects of our crony medical system that ensures Americans keep taking drugs […]

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FDA: A Case Study in Cronyism

FDA: A Case Study in Cronyism

Crony ties between the drug industry and FDA put Americans at risk. Action Alert! Pharmaceutical executives getting high-ranking jobs in the FDA; former FDA employees going to work for Big Pharma. This revolving door between regulator and industry is the very definition of the “fox guarding the henhouse.” This cronyism is putting Americans lives at […]

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