CBD’s Uncertain Future

CBD’s Uncertain Future

The FDA continues refusing to provide a pathway for CBD supplements, all in an effort to protect drug industry profits. We need to force their hand. Action Alert! Last month, the FDA’s Science Board conducted a hearing concerning the safety of CBD in dietary supplements. After almost four years, the agency is still pointing to […]

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ANH Advocates Score Big Glutathione Win

ANH Advocates Score Big Glutathione Win

The FDA’s advisory committee dealt a blow to the agency’s plan to ban compounded glutathione—but the fight is far from over. Action Alert! Earlier this week, the FDA’s Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC) met to discuss whether it would recommend compounded glutathione be banned or not. As we reported that day, the great news is […]

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Durbin: Don’t Take Our Sunshine Away!

Durbin: Don’t Take Our Sunshine Away!

The “sunny” days of Americans being able to regenerate health with vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, could be over. Action Alert! Last week, we detailed what we believe to be Sen. Durbin’s end game with regard to his new mandatory product listing bill for dietary supplements: the imposition of European-style restrictions on high-dose vitamins and […]

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Feds Fire Another Shot at Homeopathy

Feds Fire Another Shot at Homeopathy

The FDA has issued its first warnings against homeopathic medicines, and this is only the beginning. Action Alert!  The FDA has sent warning letters to four companies that sell injectable homeopathic medicine because, in the agency’s view, injectable homeopathic medicines “can pose a serious risk to patient health.” This is following a bad guidance the agency is in the […]

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FDA Leaves Cancer Patients in the Lurch

FDA Leaves Cancer Patients in the Lurch

What happens when you cross a proven natural treatment with a crony medical system? A monopoly. Action Alert! New information has come to light that poses a threat for continued consumer access to intravenous vitamin C (IVC), a potent, safe, and natural treatment for viral and bacterial infections and some cancers. It is a blatant […]

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Defend your right to treat patients using compounded medications such as glutathione

Defend your right to treat patients using compounded medications such as glutathione

Link: http://integrativemedicineconsortium.org/ Here’s the issue: The FDA is once again overstepping by protecting the interests of Big Pharma rather than patient care by restricting access to compounded medicines. Physicians and patients will lose access to these safe, effective and cost effective medications unless we act using the legal methods demonstrated to defeat prior FDA overreach. […]

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Why Big Pharma’s days are numbered

Making way for a parallel medical system based on the principles of natural health By Robert Verkerk PhD Founder, executive and scientific director, Alliance for Natural Health International Scientific director, Alliance for Natural Health USA Has Big Pharma had its heyday? We think so. It’s an industry borne out of a business model that’s more […]

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