FDA Targets Peptides

FDA Targets Peptides

Peptides represent an exciting and rapidly developing new frontier in disease treatment and prevention as well as anti-aging, so naturally the FDA is swooping in…to make sure Big Pharma has a monopoly. Action Alert! Do you want to increase your lifespan by 30 percent? Heal from injuries that conventional medicine has no answers for? Investigations […]

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FDA Misleads on CBD Safety

FDA Misleads on CBD Safety

…providing further evidence that the agency is trying to engineer a ban on affordable CBD to protect drug industry profits. Action Alert! As the evidence of CBD’s myriad health benefits continues to pile up, it increasingly looks to us like the FDA is preparing to issue a ban on CBD supplements. We must support bills […]

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Banning PFAS Chemicals a Good Step In Combatting Obesity Epidemic

Banning PFAS Chemicals a Good Step In Combatting Obesity Epidemic

More evidence that environmental exposures are a driver of the obesity epidemic—and another reason to ban PFAS chemicals. Action Alert! A new study found that elevated levels of PFAS chemicals in the blood were associated with weight gain, increasing the already-lengthy list of negative health effects linked with PFAS exposure. PFAS, or polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a group of […]

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FDA Rejects CBD as a Supplement

FDA Rejects CBD as a Supplement

Today the FDA officially denied requests to permit CBD in food or supplements. Action Alert! The FDA just released a statement explaining that the “existing regulatory framework” for foods and supplements are not appropriate for CBD and that a new regulatory pathway is needed. The agency also denied three Citizens Petitions requesting the agency issue a regulation that would allow […]

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ANH Scores Big Win for Supplement Science

ANH Scores Big Win for Supplement Science

For years, we’ve been asking the FDA to stop needlessly blocking research on dietary supplements with red tape. Finally, they’ve listened! We are excited to share a monumental victory that has come about as a direct result of ANH-USA advocacy. In 2014, the FDA started applying drug rules to research being conducted on nutrients. This […]

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Will the Government Ever Get Nutrition Right?

Will the Government Ever Get Nutrition Right?

A massive government initiative to address hunger and diet-related disease is forming—why does it ignore some of the most obvious solutions? Action Alert! The Biden Administration is laying out its plan to end hunger, increase healthy eating, and combat diet-related disease in the US. It’s a multi-faceted plan that includes improving food access and affordability, […]

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Cancerous Cosmetics

Cancerous Cosmetics

Many cosmetic and personal care products contain talc, which has been linked to cancer. Here’s how you can protect yourself. Action Alert! Recently, Johnson & Johnson announced it would stop selling talc-based baby powder globally; following a 2020 decision by the company to stop selling these products in the US and Canada. This stems from […]

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New Bill to Remove FDA Control Over Supplements

New Bill to Remove FDA Control Over Supplements

A new bill would take food and supplements out of the FDA’s jurisdiction under a new food safety agency. We are cautiously optimistic, but there are concerns. Action Alert! The new bill, introduced by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Rep. Rose DeLauro (D-CT), moves all of the FDA’s food safety authorities, […]

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