FDA “Scales Back Enforcement” of Quality Controls on Medical Devices

The Project on Government Oversight, an independent watchdog group that exposes problems in government, has learned that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has quietly reduced their enforcement of federal quality regulations at laboratories that develop medical devices. The FDA’s inspections of “good laboratory practices” dropped dramatically in the past few years: from 33 in […]

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Dental Mercury Victory

AAHF is pleased to announce that the Food and Drug Administration must now classify mercury fillings!  We congratulate Consumers for Dental Choices, Moms Against Mercury, International Academy of Oral and Metal Toxicology, and all other groups and individuals who have dedicated years to the issue of the dangers of dental mercury.

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Estriol Resolution

If you haven’t taken action yet, please do so now! We have also heard that the Wyeth is already gearing up to fight this tooth and nail. We have also learned that Wyeth is coordinating women’s groups to write letters in opposition of the resolution. We need you to help spread the word and fight Big Pharma and their controlling ties to the FDA.

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Miracle Molecules Threatened

Miracle Molecules Threatened

The FDA is restricting your access to beneficial, natural peptides. We have to protect access. Action Alert! Recently, we told you about the FDA’s actions to eliminate your access to a group of peptides that have shown incredible promise in increasing lifespan and improving health. The agency is working to make sure patients and doctors […]

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