New Study Reveals Connection Between Glyphosate and Adolescent Health Issues

New Study Reveals Connection Between Glyphosate and Adolescent Health Issues

From Moms Across America Chronic health conditions such as diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and metabolic syndrome are increasing dramatically. Children are getting sick more often and what we often think of as lifestyle diseases are showing up earlier and earlier. While the types and amounts of food eaten are important factors, chemicals sprayed onto […]

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Big Pharma Buying Up Supplement Companies

Big Pharma Buying Up Supplement Companies

Major shifts are, and have been, occurring in the supplement industry. Here’s how they could affect your access. Correction (11/28/2022): The infographic below detailing supplement companies owned by larger companies originally indicated Planet Paleo was owned by HGGC, which is incorrect. The company owned by HGGC is Paleo Planet. Over the last few decades, mega-corporations […]

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Is Bayer Behind a Hit List of Organic & Natural Health Advocates?

Is Bayer Behind a Hit List of Organic & Natural Health Advocates?

From Organic Consumers Association That possibility occurred to us when, despite our reticence and self-censorship, the Organic Consumers Association was put on a hit list of vaccine safety advocates known as the “Disinformation Dozen.” We noticed that Voices for Vaccines was one of the pharmaceutical front-groups that’s been circulating the hit list and that it is a […]

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Hiding GMOs in Food

Hiding GMOs in Food

From Organic Consumers Association For almost 30 years, OCA and our predecessor organization, the Pure Food Campaign, have been educating consumers and farmers about the hazards of genetically engineered (GE) foods and crops, calling special attention to the fact that these “Frankenfoods” and crops are always accompanied by and contaminated with toxic pesticides and chemicals […]

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Herbicidal Hell Unleashed on National Parks

Herbicidal Hell Unleashed on National Parks

Millions of pounds of toxic glyphosate are dumped on our national parks and forests. Action Alert! Ah, the great outdoors, where we can experience the wonders of nature, walk amongst the trees, sink our toes into the dirt…but not, unfortunately, escape the spraying of toxic chemicals that make us sick. Many of us may be […]

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