The Power of the ‘Safety First’ Ideology

The Power of the ‘Safety First’ Ideology

How modern authoritarianism preys on our perceived need for “safety” and uses censorship to shape our view of the world. Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE The dawn of a new form of authoritarianism is upon us, but it is markedly different from its predecessors. This softer, more insidious authoritarianism doesn’t […]

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What Happened With the WHO?

What Happened With the WHO?

What you need to know about the recent World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE For many months now, we’ve been reporting on developments at the supra-national level that will determine how countries respond to the next pandemic. There are two separate processes: amendments to […]

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Who needs the WHO?

Who needs the WHO?

Time is running out to stop the WHO and global elites from taking control of the health of all Americans during the next pandemic. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE Will you cede your health sovereignty to a bunch of unelected bureaucrats at the World Health Organization (WHO)? Very […]

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Are You Prepared to Be Psychologically “Vaccinated”?

Are You Prepared to Be Psychologically “Vaccinated”?

The war on “misinformation” takes a dangerous turn. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE Imagine if people could be psychologically ‘vaccinated’ so that they would produce mental antibodies that would make them resistant to misinformation. Well, stop imagining. It’s already happening, it’s been tried and tested in collaboration with, […]

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The Censorship Plot Thickens

The Censorship Plot Thickens

More revelations about how government officials pressured Big Tech to clamp down on free speech, underscoring the urgency behind our FreeSpeech4Health campaign. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE Information that could improve your health, even save your life, is being wiped by content moderators or shadowbanned—manipulated by algorithms so […]

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WHO Update: Medical Freedom Still in Peril

WHO Update: Medical Freedom Still in Peril

A lot has been happening behind the closed doors of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) bureaucracy as it seeks to be the global puppet master in a future pandemic. We need to keep fighting to preserve our freedoms. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE As we approach the May […]

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ANH Launches Petition to Curb Big Tech Censorship

ANH Launches Petition to Curb Big Tech Censorship

We’re excited to announce the launch of our FreeSpeech4Health campaign. Support our petition calling on YouTube to change its medical misinformation policy to allow free speech about natural health! Action Alert! THE TOPLINE FreeSpeech4Health campaign launch At ANH, we have launched a major campaign this week that aims to force YouTube to change its medical […]

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