Can We Trust Pfizer Vaccine Data?

Can We Trust Pfizer Vaccine Data?

Whistleblowers sound the alarm about critical data integrity issues from a company that ran Pfizer’s vaccine trial. A stunning report from the prestigious British Medical Journal details a whistleblower’s account of data integrity issues in Pfizer’s pivotal Phase III trial for its COVID vaccine. Both Pfizer and the FDA were informed of these issues, but […]

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Do Vaccines Prevent COVID Cases?

Do Vaccines Prevent COVID Cases?

A new study suggests they don’t—yet we’re pressing forward with vaccine mandates anyway. Vaccination is an emotional and controversial issue, but we must look at the facts and keep things in perspective. A recent study looked at the relationship between the percentage of the population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases across 68 countries, including […]

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Biden Issues Sweeping Vaccine Mandate for U.S. Workers

Biden Issues Sweeping Vaccine Mandate for U.S. Workers

President Biden issued orders covering two-thirds of the American workforce requiring millions of Americans to get vaccinated. President Biden recently signed an Executive Order requiring all federal executive branch employees to be vaccinated, in addition to contractor employees that do business with the government. Other mandates for healthcare workers and private employers with more than […]

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New Bill to Update Vaccine Court

New Bill to Update Vaccine Court

A new bill would reform the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), but falls far short of fixing this broken program. The bill includes many important reforms, like increasing the cap on compensations and extending the statute of limitations on injuries from three to five years, among other things we will detail below. But there is […]

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The Future of COVID Vaccines

The Future of COVID Vaccines

Will we get the data necessary to be able to make informed choices about COVID vaccination? Action Alert! A number of weeks ago, our friends at ANH International released a white paper detailing how autoimmune patients are at an increased risk of serious adverse events from COVID vaccination. As such, autoimmune patients have a legitimate […]

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Are Vaccine Passports the Answer?

Are Vaccine Passports the Answer?

The scientific and ethical problems with vaccine passports. The Biden Administration issued an executive order that, among other things, called on federal agencies to “assess the feasibility of linking COVID-19 vaccination to International Certificates of Vaccination Prophylaxis (ICVPs) and producing electronic versions of ICVPs.” This adds to fears that those who choose not to be vaccinated will […]

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What’s Different About the J&J Vaccine?

What’s Different About the J&J Vaccine?

How does the Johnson & Johnson vaccine compare to those already being administered? The FDA granted emergency use authorization to Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine, and the CDC has recommended the vaccine for adults 18 years of age and older. Here’s what we know so far about the new vaccine. First, by way of explanation: […]

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Feds Ramp Up Censorship Machine

Feds Ramp Up Censorship Machine

After a disappointing Supreme Court outcome on June 26, in which legal standing was refused so that the grounds of a landmark free speech on social media case could be ignored, the government is back to business as usual in colluding with Big Tech to censor us. Action Alert! THE TOPLINE Did you think things […]

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