Comes Out Firing at ANH-USA Comes Out Firing at ANH-USA

Yet the company still fails to answer the most serious questions we’ve raised. Why is CL continuing to avoid them? Action Alert! Over the last few years, we’ve raised numerous concerns about the business practices of (CL), an organization that purports to help consumers identify the highest quality dietary supplements. CL responded to our […]

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Which Supplement Companies Are Recommended by Experts?

Which Supplement Companies Are Recommended by Experts?

In September we offered a list of supplement companies recommended by the experts. Our readers responded with their suggestions, and after further research we have expanded our list. If readers have further thoughts and suggestions, please continue sending them in! All companies listed are high quality supplement producers and known for their manufacturing standards, testing, and […]

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On Balance, 2014 Has Been a Good Year for Natural Health—Thanks to Your Activism and Support

On Balance, 2014 Has Been a Good Year for Natural Health—Thanks to Your Activism and Support

We couldn’t have done it without you, and the help of other health advocacy organizations. Much more remains to be accomplished in 2015. Nutrition Facts Panel FDA proposed a new 109-page set of rules for revising nutrition and supplement labels. It included a provision that would have banned the word “folate” from supplement labels, even though […]

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Problems with Compounding Regulation?

Problems with Compounding Regulation?

Recent regulations released by the FDA contain several provisions that are harmful to doctors, patients, and compounding pharmacists. Office Use: This is an area of the rulemaking that has garnered the biggest reaction from the compounding community. Congress and the FDA have required a patient-specific prescription for all drugs compounded, with a narrow exception if […]

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Dangerous Lawsuit Threatens the Few Supplement Health Claims Currently Allowed

Dangerous Lawsuit Threatens the Few Supplement Health Claims Currently Allowed

A new lawsuit filed by a “consumer watchdog” group says most Americans are not vitamin deficient and don’t benefit from supplements. Huh? Earlier this month we told you about international pharmaceutical company Bayer AG’s battle with the Federal Trade Commission over whether its marketing statements about its probiotic colon supplement are unsubstantiated disease claims (not […]

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GMO Approval Process FINALLY Being Scrutinized

GMO Approval Process FINALLY Being Scrutinized

At the request of Congress, the FDA’s and USDA’s review process for genetically engineered products is finally coming under scrutiny by the GAO. In 2013, Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) wrote to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and asked them to look into the review system being used to regulate genetically modified crops—specifically, “to ensure that […]

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