Should Oxytocin Be a Daily Part of Your Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Program?

Should Oxytocin Be a Daily Part of Your Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Program?

Oxytocin is often used when needed to improve intimacy. Research shows oxytocin can help control obesity, type 2 diabetes, prevent and reverse osteoporosis, rebuild and maintain muscle mass, reduce chronic pain, and regenerate neurons. Should oxytocin be used daily as part of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)? Oxytocin is often described as the “hug hormone,” […]

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Avoiding Joint Replacement Therapy  by Eliminating Osteoarthritis Pain: The Research of William Kaufman, PhD, MD

Avoiding Joint Replacement Therapy by Eliminating Osteoarthritis Pain: The Research of William Kaufman, PhD, MD

Research done in 455 individuals with osteoarthritis Niacinamide eliminated or significantly reduced osteoarthritis pain in the large majority of individuals Niacinamide can prevent joint replacement surgery Why cigarette smoking also prevents joint replacement surgery Sometime in the 1980s (don’t remember exactly when) a 74-year-old man (we’ll call him Joe) came to Tahoma Clinic bringing copies […]

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Consumer Reports Attacks Supplements—Again

Consumer Reports Attacks Supplements—Again

Their analysis is so flawed, one wonders if they know anything about cars or cameras, either. Action Alert! Last week, Consumer Reports (CR) published an article warning consumers about fifteen supplement ingredients “to always avoid.” The article repeats many of the same fallacies that we have addressed elsewhere, suggesting that this is just another hatchet […]

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Mystery Food Mandated by Congress?

Mystery Food Mandated by Congress?

If approved, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement could eliminate our right to know where our food comes from. We must stop this. Action Alert! Since the full text of the TPP deal was released in November 2015 (after many years of closed-door negotiations), we’ve been telling you about the many corrupt provisions it contains, […]

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Frankenmosquitoes About to Be Released

Frankenmosquitoes About to Be Released

The FDA is about to complete the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys—unless we respond in force. Action Alert! Earlier this month, the FDA made available a draft environmental assessment predicting that the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in Key Haven, Florida, would have “no significant impact”—which means that the approval for […]

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Press Release: Attorney General Demonstrates Fundamental Misunderstanding of What the FDA Does

Press Release: Attorney General Demonstrates Fundamental Misunderstanding of What the FDA Does

Troubling video exposes AG’s lack of understanding of drug approval process and dietary supplement regulation March 10, 2016 — As part National Consumer Protection Week, United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch released a video warning consumers about the “potential dangers” of taking nutritional supplements. She cautions that, unlike pharmaceutical drugs, the Food and Drug Administration […]

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Artificial Sweeteners Contribute to Diabetes

Artificial Sweeteners Contribute to Diabetes

Microbes in our gastrointestinal tract power our immune systems and keep our insulin and blood sugar in balance. Aspartame and other manufactured no-calorie sweeteners are killing them. Action Alert! Artificial sweeteners are among the most widely used food additives worldwide, regularly consumed by lean and obese individuals alike. Products containing artificial sweeteners bring in huge […]

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