Rx Accountable

Rx Accountable

Thousands of Americans die every year from taking prescription drugs, and millions more are hospitalized. This isn’t an aberration; it is a feature of a crony medical system in which the agency that is supposed to evaluate and approve drugs is beholden to the pharmaceutical industry. ANH is launching a campaign to remove cronyism from […]

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What Makes the “Impossible Burger” Possible?

What Makes the “Impossible Burger” Possible?

Behind the approval of the plant-based burger that will be hitting store shelves soon. Action Alert! Plant-based meat products seem to be all the rage. They are billed as a healthier, more environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional meat, and the fad is catching on. Fast-food giant Burger King has announced the “Impossible Whopper,” a meatless version […]

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FTC Clamps Down on Free Speech…Again

FTC Clamps Down on Free Speech…Again

Will we let FTC bureaucrats decide what “science” is, and how it can be interpreted? Action Alert! The legal claims that supplements can make are repeatedly attacked and restricted by federal regulators. This is a great situation if you’re a drug company selling expensive, dangerous drugs, but if you’re an individual trying to manage your […]

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More Mainstream Media Censorship

More Mainstream Media Censorship

This time directed at Joseph Mercola, MD. Mercola.com is a key natural health resource on line. We couldn’t recommend it more strongly for advice on every imaginable topic. And it is free. Dr. Mercola recently released a new book, Fat for Fuel. This cutting-edge book focuses in particular on how to optimize mitochondrial function, but […]

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A­ffordable Healthcare

A­ffordable Healthcare

Why we need both Obamacare and a new consumer-led system. The following appeared as an ad in the back page of Roll Call on June 7, 2017. Obamacare has doubled premiums and doubled deductibles while restricting doctor choice. It has failed. Even so, it isn’t necessary to repeal it totally. If Congress would just end the […]

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Curing Acne Rosacea, Improving Overall Health

Curing Acne Rosacea, Improving Overall Health

Balancing your stomach acid eliminates rosacea for many. It also improves over-all health by significantly improving digestion and absorption. Stomach acid appears to inhibit small intestinal bacteria associated with rosacea. So far, neither researchers nor practicing physicians have found the cause for every disease there is, but both groups know that if we can find […]

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New Hope for Multiple Sclerosis

New Hope for Multiple Sclerosis

Biotin, often called vitamin H and sometimes vitamin B7, can actually reverse disabling multiple sclerosis symptoms, according to research scientists. It takes a number of months for biotin to do its work, but the improvements are long-lasting. Researchers saw the biggest improvements in spinal cord involvement and vision. Relatively recently reported research[1] (2015) tells us […]

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