Life Expectancy Drops Again

Life Expectancy Drops Again

Troubling signs about the future of healthcare in this country show the urgent need to embrace regenerative health solutions. A new analysis found that US life expectancy has dropped for the second year in a row, by about six months in 2021, after falling by two years in 2020. This has driven overall US life […]

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GMO Name Game Revealed

GMO Name Game Revealed

New USDA rules go into effect that allow Big Food to hide their genetically modified ingredients. Starting January 1 of this year, the new GMO labeling rules went into effect. Sorry, we mean “bioengineered” labeling, the term the government and industry chose to obfuscate the issue and confuse consumers. Obfuscation and confusion were the chief […]

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The COVID Wildfire Link

The COVID Wildfire Link

Wildfires increase risk of serious reactions to COVID. Guest author Dr. Lyn Patrick explains what you can do about it. Content from the following article was previously published by the author as a Blog Series at: Smoke from wildfires blanketing the West Coast in the last two years have caused some of the planet’s worst air […]

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Cronyism Blocks Another Affordable COVID Med

Cronyism Blocks Another Affordable COVID Med

Despite positive data, mainstream medicine is ignoring an affordable COVID medicine. Action Alert! The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) published a paper reviewing the evidence for ivermectin, an off-patent drug for river blindness, arguing that it has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that make it effective in the prevention and treatment of COVID. The evidence […]

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Remdesivir is NOT the COVID Silver Bullet 

Remdesivir is NOT the COVID Silver Bullet 

The new drug is being billed as the new “standard of care” for COVID-19, but only improves mortality by 3.6%. Action Alert! Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has declared that the new antiviral drug remdesivir will “be the standard of care” for COVID-19, delivering a windfall […]

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