Supplement Attack Threatens Mental Health

Supplement Attack Threatens Mental Health

Restricting supplement access could cause the mental health crisis to get even worse than it is now. Action Alert! In 2020, one in five Americans experienced a mental illness, and rates of mental illness are increasing substantially. Evidence links nutrient inadequacies to the development of mental disorders, showing that supplements have a role to play […]

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This Could Be The End

This Could Be The End

Your action is needed to prevent a terrible supplement policy from being slipped into an unrelated bill so it can pass without anyone noticing. Make no mistake: this is the beginning of the end of our ability to use supplements to stay healthy, but you can help us stop it before it gets off the ground.  […]

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Magnesium Nightmare

Magnesium Nightmare

How new supplement restrictions could affect your sleep quality. Action Alert! Problems sleeping are extremely common among adults; magnesium can help, but Senator Dick Durbin’s (D-IL) proposed supplement restrictions put us on a road to ridiculous, unscientific restrictions on this essential mineral. We’ve been detailing the many threats to your health represented by the mandatory […]

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Feds Coming for Your B-Vitamins

Feds Coming for Your B-Vitamins

B vitamins are essential to life, but Congress could be following in Europe’s footsteps in placing outrageous restrictions on these and other vitamins. Action Alert!  A few weeks ago, we told you about the threat to high-dose supplements represented by mandatory product registration for supplements. This regulation is the beginning of the end for Americans’ […]

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FDA Colluding with Congress on Supplements

FDA Colluding with Congress on Supplements

More evidence that the FDA is working with Sen. Durbin to eliminate your supplement access. Action Alert! The dominoes continue to line up for Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and his plan to restrict your supplement access. Last week, the FDA issued a policy designed to get companies to comply with its troublesome “new supplement” guidance […]

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Congress’ Supplement Sucker Punch

Congress’ Supplement Sucker Punch

A buried provision in Congress’ latest supplement broadside gives the FDA everything it wants to take away the supplements you rely on. Action Alert! Last week, we updated you on the current threats to your supplement access. We’re facing a multi-headed snake: Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) has his stand-alone supplement registration bill, and separately, a […]

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Supplement SOS

Supplement SOS

Your action is needed to prevent a terrible supplement policy from being slipped into an unrelated bill so it can pass without anyone noticing. Make no mistake: this is the beginning of the end of our ability to use supplements to stay healthy, but you can help us stop it before it gets off the ground.  […]

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Your Supplement Choices—Going, Going, Gone!

Your Supplement Choices—Going, Going, Gone!

Editor’s note (11/22/2022): We’re re-publishing the article below to emphasize the dire threat posed by Sen. Durbin’s “mandatory product listing” policy, which still has a real shot of getting passed. You can read about the current status of Sen. Durbin’s efforts in our legislative update article we recently published. If you haven’t already, please take action by scrolling to the […]

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The Feds are Coming for Your Supplements!

The Feds are Coming for Your Supplements!

From the Intelligent Medicine podcast Listen to Gretchen DuBeau, Executive and Legal Director of ANH-USA, talk to Dr. Ron Hoffman on his Intelligent Medicine podcast about the very real threats to your supplement access posed by Sen. Durbin’s (D-IL) proposed new “registration” system for supplements. Click here to listen to Part 1 of the podcast. […]

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