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Simple Nasal Wash Reduces Risk of COVID Hospitalization

Simple Nasal Wash Reduces Risk of COVID Hospitalization
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By Joseph Mercola, DO

Rinsing your nasal passages with a saline solution within 24 hours of a COVID-19 diagnosis could reduce your chances of being hospitalized by 8.5-fold.1 Why hasn’t your doctor told you about this? And why haven’t public health agencies shared the good news with the public that they can significantly reduce their risk of severe COVID-19 with a simple nasal wash?

The practically free solution is just too inexpensive. Unlike Pfizer’s Paxlovid, which was granted emergency use authorization to treat mild to moderate COVID-19 in December 2021 — and is slated to make the company $22 billion in profits in 2022 — there’s little money to be made by promoting the ancient practice of nasal lavage.Further, if its benefits are confirmed, widespread usage could have drastically altered the course of the pandemic, rendering the entire pandemic response completely unnecessary.

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