Health Insurance Lobby Claims Legislation From Senate Democrats Would Raise Premiums

As the battle for healthcare reform heats up inside the beltway, the insurance industry has launched a blistering attack on legislation drafted by Senate Democrats. According to the New York Times, the health insurance lobby, America’s Health Insurance Plans, claims that the new Senate bill drafted by Democrats would significantly raise the cost of coverage. […]

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Dr. Mark Hyman’s Nine-Point Plan for Real Healthcare Reform

Mark Hyman, MD—author, practitioner, and educator in functional medicine—has hit the pavement in Washington, DC, to educate lawmakers and policymakers that universal healthcare coverage based on an “outdated 19th- and 20th-century model of medicine will lead us into danger.” In his Huffington Post article, “How to Fix Obama’s Health Plan Before It’s Too Late,” Dr. […]

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Big Pharma and the FDA: Suppress the Science, Ban the Natural Substances, Sell the Drugs!

In 2005, an up-and-coming pharmaceutical company made a big mistake: they invested millions of dollars into developing a drug only to discover that the only active ingredient of the drug, pyridoxamine, was really a common, naturally occurring substance that has been sold for decades at low cost to consumers in the form of a dietary […]

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FDA to Receive More Money from Drug Manufacturers, But Denies “Undue Influence”

The proposed budget of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is worrying the Democrats. They are concerned that FDA’s annual increases in industry user fees—$828 million from manufacturers of medical and food products, including hundreds of millions drug manufacturers pay annually to help speed the review of new medicines—might compromise the agency’s independence.

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Ensnared by an Undercover Investigation, Drug Study Reviewer Halts Many of Its Review Operations

A previous Pulse of Health Freedom issue mentioned the uncover operations of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) which ensnared Coast IRB, LLC, of Colorado Springs. The GAO created a fake medical study of a fake product to see whether for-profit review boards adequately supervised medical trials. Two firms turned it down but Coast IRB took […]

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