FDA Bucks Congress on Anti-Aging Supplement

FDA Bucks Congress on Anti-Aging Supplement

The agency once again signaled its determination to pursue a ban on nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), a key supplement that can help turn back the clock on degenerative disease. Action Alert! While many may have given up on finding the mythical “Fountain of Youth,” emerging science is showing us strategies that can be used to help […]

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PFAS in the News – and in Our Bodies

PFAS in the News – and in Our Bodies

Not only are we finding new sources of PFAS contamination and exposure, we’re learning more about the negative health effects of these ubiquitous so-called “forever chemicals.” The government and its agencies need to wake up and ban these chemicals outright – before it’s too late. Action Alert! Recently, ANH-USA released the results of our own […]

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The 18 Most Common Nutritional Deficiencies in the US (Part 1)

The 18 Most Common Nutritional Deficiencies in the US (Part 1)

From Ron Hoffman, MD You’ve heard the old saw: “Most people don’t need to take supplements if they’re following a healthy, balanced diet.” That’s a big “if”, especially since surveys—even those commissioned by government health agencies—admit that a significant percentage of Americans are not consuming adequate amounts of certain key nutrients. Here are some of […]

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Speaking Naturally with Dr. Leo Pruimboom

Speaking Naturally with Dr. Leo Pruimboom

Dr. Leo Pruimboom is the latest guest on Speaking Naturally, a podcast in which Rob Verkerk, PhD, ANH’s founder and Executive and Scientific Director, has uncensored conversations with some of the world’s leading researchers, scientists, and thinkers. Dr. Pruimboom is the founder of clinical psychoneuroimmunology – CPNI for short, or KPNI if you’re in Europe […]

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FDA Misleads on CBD Safety

FDA Misleads on CBD Safety

…providing further evidence that the agency is trying to engineer a ban on affordable CBD to protect drug industry profits. Action Alert! As the evidence of CBD’s myriad health benefits continues to pile up, it increasingly looks to us like the FDA is preparing to issue a ban on CBD supplements. We must support bills […]

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Multivitamins Boost Memory

Multivitamins Boost Memory

A new study confirms the powerful effects that low-cost dietary supplements can have on our health. Let’s support legislation to make supplements more affordable and more widely available to Americans. Action Alert! A recent study found that those taking multivitamins were 3 years “younger” in terms of their memory function than those taking a placebo. […]

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LAUNCH – Ethics for Health Professionals

LAUNCH – Ethics for Health Professionals

From ANH-International Medical ethics appears to have been put on the back burner in recent times and coercive medical procedures, lack of properly informed consent and breaches of respect for autonomy of individuals have become commonplace. These challenges triggered our interest in re-creating a framework for medical ethics, taking the best of modern ethical principles, […]

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FDA’s Lab Test Power-Grab Continues

FDA’s Lab Test Power-Grab Continues

More FDA protectionism that works against patient interests. Action Alert! The FDA has announced its intent to issue a proposed rule this coming August that would extend the agency’s power over laboratory developed tests (LDTs). This is a critical threat, as LDTs are crucial tools used in personalized medicine because labs can create custom diagnostic […]

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