Winter Potpourri: Choline, Live Fast/Die Young, Processed Meats, and Toxic Fish

Winter Potpourri: Choline, Live Fast/Die Young, Processed Meats, and Toxic Fish

From Ronald Hoffman, MD Choline: Little-known nutritional fact—according to a recent article in Science Daily, it’s estimated that more than 90% of Americans are not meeting the recommended daily intake of choline. We know that choline is a dietary precursor to acetylcholine, an essential neurotransmitter. In fact, certain dementia drugs are designed to amp up brain levels of acetylcholine. Adequate […]

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What Will it Take to Give Babies a Phthalate-Free Start in the World?

What Will it Take to Give Babies a Phthalate-Free Start in the World?

From Environmental Health News Since the late 1960s research has shown that a plastic additive in polyvinyl chloride (PVC), leaches from medical devices and is toxic to multiple organs, especially for premature infants. Despite more than two decades of evidence, advocacy and education around the issue, PVC products containing this harmful phthalate chemical still dominate […]

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FDA Rejects CBD as a Supplement

FDA Rejects CBD as a Supplement

Today the FDA officially denied requests to permit CBD in food or supplements. Action Alert! The FDA just released a statement explaining that the “existing regulatory framework” for foods and supplements are not appropriate for CBD and that a new regulatory pathway is needed. The agency also denied three Citizens Petitions requesting the agency issue a regulation that would allow […]

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The 14 Worst Health News Stories of 2022 (Part Two)

The 14 Worst Health News Stories of 2022 (Part Two)

From Ronald Hoffman, MD Last time, I gave you the first half of my list of the worst health news stories of the year. This week, I’m back with part two! So without further ado, here are seven more health news headscratchers from the past year: 8. Melatonin “scourge”: Expressions of concern abounded this year over Americans’ unprecedented […]

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Is It Red Light Therapy’s Time to Shine?

Is It Red Light Therapy’s Time to Shine?

A decades-old treatment is slowly gaining credibility as a difference-maker for people with certain medical conditions, particularly in the areas of skin care, wound recovery and joint pain. Noninvasive and widely considered safe, red light therapy promotes healing at a cellular level, leading scientists to explore its other potential healthcare applications. While costs may prove prohibitive for many, and […]

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Imagining A Greater Organic Reset

Imagining A Greater Organic Reset

From Organic Consumers Association OCA often talks about our long term goal: making organic and regenerative food, farming, and land use (and natural health) the norm, rather than just the alternative. As our longtime ally Vandana Shiva points out, this would be “the solution to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the climate crisis, and the […]

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