Reading Scientific Studies: With a Perspective On a Mock GE Study

Reading Scientific Studies: With a Perspective On a Mock GE Study

From There has never been a more important time than the present to understand not only genetically engineered organisms, but the research behind their propagation and promotion. The science of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or genetic engineering (GE) is rapidly evolving, and their introduction has altered and affects all aspects of our well-being, including: […]

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Anti-Aging Supplement Update

Anti-Aging Supplement Update

The anti-aging guru and founder of the company trying to take away your NMN supplements finally spoke out over the controversy. Action Alert! At the end of last year, we told you about the FDA’s determination that NMN, an important, naturally occurring anti-aging molecule, is not a legal supplement. Why? Because, in the FDA’s view, […]

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Are You Buying the Right Magnesium?

Are You Buying the Right Magnesium?

Testing of magnesium products purchased on Amazon show that consumers need to beware of low quality products. Magnesium is critical to human health as a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate everything from protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. Yet 60 percent of Americans don’t […]

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Tame Your Sugar Cravings in ‘23

Tame Your Sugar Cravings in ‘23

From Ronald Hoffman, MD. Undoubtedly, one of this year’s most popular New Year’s resolutions will be to “cut down on sugar”—especially after the non-stop potlatch most of us have experienced in December. But it’s not easy, because one of the most fundamental hard-wired human drives is to seek out readily-available high-test carbohydrate fuel—an evolutionary adaptation […]

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Intermittent Fasting: It’s About Time

Intermittent Fasting: It’s About Time

Is this popular health trend right for you? Most of us consider making healthier lifestyle changes at the beginning of the year, and variations on weight loss and better eating are always popular. One concept receiving attention in recent years suggests when you eat is as important as what you eat. Intermittent fasting, a modern […]

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2022 Natural Health Advocacy Year in Review

2022 Natural Health Advocacy Year in Review

We saw a lot of action on natural health issues over the past year, including some big wins. Here’s where we stand on some of the top issues where ANH works to protect your access to natural health. Senator Durbin’s Push for FDA Supplement Registration Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) pushed hard this year for additional […]

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