Baby Formula Alternatives

Baby Formula Alternatives

From Moms Across America Tips for mothers on how to manage during the infant formula shortage. We are sure you have heard of the baby formula distribution problems, which have caused a shortage in many areas around the country. Thousands of moms are frustrated with the lack of coordination and foresight our government had displayed […]

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Congress’ Supplement Sucker Punch

Congress’ Supplement Sucker Punch

A buried provision in Congress’ latest supplement broadside gives the FDA everything it wants to take away the supplements you rely on. Action Alert! Last week, we updated you on the current threats to your supplement access. We’re facing a multi-headed snake: Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) has his stand-alone supplement registration bill, and separately, a […]

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FDA Moves to Ban Key to Alzheimer’s?

FDA Moves to Ban Key to Alzheimer’s?

Evidence is accumulating that glutathione plays an important role in age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. So why is the FDA pursuing a ban on it? Action Alert! Recently we told you about the FDA’s threat to compounded glutathione, the body’s most important antioxidant that is useful for a variety of health conditions. In fact, […]

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FDA Backs Glutathione Ban

FDA Backs Glutathione Ban

The threat to this critical medicine deepens. We have to act fast to protect glutathione. Action Alert! Ahead of the June 8th meeting of an FDA advisory committee, the FDA has released its own recommendation for whether glutathione should be permitted to be made at specialized pharmacies for individual patients—and the news isn’t good. The […]

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Regeneration: Beyond the Madness and Sadness

Regeneration: Beyond the Madness and Sadness

From Organic Consumers Association Given the magnitude of the current crisis, we at OCA believe we need to expand our redemptive message of Regeneration to encompass, not only the next stage of organic food and farming and land use, but also our political policies and practices. We must step up our efforts, not only championing […]

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Your Supplement Choices—Going, Going, Gone!

Your Supplement Choices—Going, Going, Gone!

Editor’s note (11/22/2022): We’re re-publishing the article below to emphasize the dire threat posed by Sen. Durbin’s “mandatory product listing” policy, which still has a real shot of getting passed. You can read about the current status of Sen. Durbin’s efforts in our legislative update article we recently published. If you haven’t already, please take action by scrolling to the […]

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The Feds are Coming for Your Supplements!

The Feds are Coming for Your Supplements!

From the Intelligent Medicine podcast Listen to Gretchen DuBeau, Executive and Legal Director of ANH-USA, talk to Dr. Ron Hoffman on his Intelligent Medicine podcast about the very real threats to your supplement access posed by Sen. Durbin’s (D-IL) proposed new “registration” system for supplements. Click here to listen to Part 1 of the podcast. […]

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Are You Getting the Right Quercetin?

Are You Getting the Right Quercetin?

You may not be, judging from recent test results showing some brands are not delivering what they advertise. Quercetin is a flavonoid with many health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antiviral effects, including for COVID. For this reason, quercetin spiked in popularity during the pandemic. But recent lab tests remind us that we should do […]

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