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Tests Find PFAS Abundant in Some Dental Floss

Tests Find PFAS Abundant in Some Dental Floss
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A study by and Mamavation found evidence of PFAS, “the forever chemicals,” in 13 of 39 brands.

From Environmental Health News

That nice waxy glide as you floss your teeth? Turns out it could be courtesy of PFAS, the “forever chemicals” that hijacks hormones and is linked to reproductive problems, birth defects, testicular cancer and a host of other diseases.

Mamavation, the wellness site, and tested 39 different brands of floss for PFAS and found evidence of the chemical in one third of the samples. Levels ranged from 11 parts per million, or ppm, to 248,900 ppm.

Four products had more than 70,000 ppm, or 7 percent, PFAS, with Oral-B Glide testing at 248,900 ppm, or nearly 25 percent.

“None of these contaminants are something our readers want in their products,” Mamavation founder Leah Segedie wrote.

PFAS is a family of nearly 12,000 chemicals used to make products, like Teflon, slippery. It’s also found in stain-resistant carpeting and fabrics, cosmetics and firefighting foam.

PFAS are in the blood of nearly all Americans, and testing of umbilical cord blood and breast milk indicates that exposure begins before birth. Some PFAS bioaccumulate — build up — which means even low exposures are cause for concern over time as our bodies accumulate more and more of them.

Read the full article.

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