Vitamin D for Flu and Flu Pandemics

Vitamin D for Flu and Flu Pandemics

child  with fluOverview
About The Science
With hundreds of thousands of seasonal flu-related complications, more than 35,000 deaths from the flu, and countless more from the H1N1 flu expected this season, ANH-USA asks the obvious question: What are the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Health and Human Services (HHS) doing about it? The answer: Not much!Our goal is to persuade the CDC, FDA, NIH, and HHS to step up to the plate and help educate the public about the critical role Vitamin D plays in preventing and treating the seasonal and H1N1 flus along with many other health problems. In particular, we are asking the CDC, FDA, HHS, and NIH to issue statements outlining the immense benefits to be gained from supplementation during the flu season. In addition, HHS should update the government’s web site, to include well established facts about Vitamin D.
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******* Action Alerts For This Campaign ********

Ask Congress to Investigate the IOM’s Vitamin D Report

As we reported last week, the IOM’s new and absurdly low vitamin D recommendation flies in the face of scientific evidence. Now we need your help to get Congress to launch an investigation.
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Help End the Government’s Shameful Silence About Vitamin D

ANH-USA is petitioning the federal government (CDC, FDA, NIH, and HHS) to break their shameful silence about Vitamin D and to educate the American public about Vitamin D’s key role in the prevention and treatment of the flu and many other health conditions. Please join our petition! We will need many thousands of signatures to get the government’s attention.

Read More About Vitamin D for Flu and Flu Pandemics:

What’s the Biggest World Pandemic Risk Today—Untreatable by Conventional Medicine?

Tuberculosis-010September 18, 2012
Hint: It’s not the flu.
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FDA Finally Rules on Sunscreen Safety
sunscreen labelJune 21, 2011
After thirty-three years of deliberation, the FDA tells consumers it’s OK to put toxic substances on their skin, and advises them to avoid natural sunlight!
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ANH-USA to File Health Claim for Vitamin D—and It’s All Thanks to You! (Plus a Vitamin D Update)
VitDJanuary 18, 2011
In addition to this exciting announcement, we have some troubling news to report: more conflicts of interest over the IOM’s vitamin D report, and more evidence from a top Harvard expert that the IOM recommendations fly in the face of good science. What is really going on here?
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Readers’ Corner
January 11, 2011
This week, our readers comment on our stories about nutrition science integrity, herpes, and vitamin D.
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Institute of Medicine Report on Vitamin D is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong
omegaNovember 30, 2010
A new report, released today by the health arm of the National Academy of Sciences, says that few people are vitamin D deficient. The scientific research says otherwise.
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Herpes—Why is Conventional Medicine Ignoring the Obvious Solution?
Vit DNovember 2, 2010
Search the mainstream medical journals, even search the Internet, and you won’t find this undeniably simple answer.
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How Hard is it to Spell ‘D’?
February 2, 2010
According to a paper in the current British Medical Journal, “more than 50% of the adult population (in Great Britain) had insufficient levels of vitamin D and 16% had severe deficiency during winter and spring”. Another recent study found that an alarming 69 percent of pregnant women (and 78 percent of women who aren’t pregnant) are vitamin-D deficient. Indeed, it is estimated that 77 percent of the U.S. population suffers from vitamin D deficiency.
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January 26, 2010
As many parts of the United States endure a winter chill, researchers at the University of California, Davis, researchers have published noteworthy findings in the current Journal of Nutrition. Their study suggests increasing the current recommended vitamin D intake by at least a factor of five (5). The new study states that in order to achieve vitamin D sufficiency (i.e., at least 75 nm/liter), someone of European ancestry needs 1,300 IU of vitamin D a day. People of African descent require 2,100-3,100 IU daily. Many experts consider that 25(OH)D levels less than 50 nmol/liter indicate vitamin D deficiency.
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Swine Flu: Separating Fact from Hype
vaccineJune 30, 2009
Our British colleagues at the Alliance for Natural Health offer the following savvy analysis of the swine flu pandemic. (We have edited their article for length, but we invite you to read the original in its entirety at their website.)“Swine flu” is a new strain of the H1N1 influenza A virus, which the World Health Organization (WHO) confirms has never been detected before in either pigs or humans. A strain of the same virus was responsible for the so-called Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-20, which was responsible for the death of between 20 and 50 million people around the world (some estimates go as high as 100 million). Is it reasonable to fear that this strain will be similarly virulent? 
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