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If GMOs Are So Great, Why Don’t They Want ’Em Advertised? Vote YES on Prop 37!

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yes-37-label-gmosCalifornia voters can help make the whole country healthier. Get out the news, and make sure everyone you know votes FOR this vital initiative!

What once was supposed to be an easy win for consumers now is a dead heat. The fear-based propaganda of the exceedingly well-funded opposition can still be defeated—but ONLY if everyone gets out and votes in favor of California’s Proposition 37.
The latest polls show us hanging on by the slimmest of margins: 45.1% versus 43.2%, with a whopping 11.6% still undecided. That means your California friends or relatives who haven’t yet made up their minds will shape the outcome—which will have a profound impact on the rest of the country’s health freedoms.
Our sources report that the opposition is raising some last-minute funds—another $146,000 from Nestlé USA, $98,000 from Campbell’s Soup, and $95,000 from Unilever. So they probably don’t think they have it in the bag yet.
And make no mistake, money talks in this media-driven campaign. The gap between their over $45 million versus the Right to Know Campaign’s meager $6 million has absolutely had an effect on the poll numbers—on September 23, a solid 61% said they would vote yes on Prop 37. It’s now an exceedingly close race because of the opposition’s war chest.
They’ve used their money to spread lies and misrepresentations, and mount personal attacks on prominent Prop 37 supporters, including the highly respected integrative medicine pioneer Dr. Joseph A. Mercola. And they’ve managed to co-opt the editorial boards of many California newspapers, getting them to parrot the same two talking points—that it will increase the cost of labeling, and it will cause bounty hunter lawsuits similar to Prop 65—both of which we have completely disproved. But of course newspapers rely on advertising to stay alive—and the opposition’s many companies are some of their biggest advertisers.
The Right to Know Campaign website debunks each of the myths spread by the opposition. Please make sure your friends and family in California know the FACTS before they vote tomorrow. (But send them this star-studded and very funny video first!)


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